Show CHILDREN LEAVE SUNSHINE CAMP GAMP Return to Homes After Spending Spending Spend Spend- ing irig Month on Canyon Outing BINGHAM two Thirty two Thirty h hap a p p jer jerand jerand jerand and healthier children returned to their homes Saturday after atter spending a month at Sunshine c camp in Butterfield Butterfield Butter Butter- field Held canyon canon The camp was sponsored spon by the Civic club Mrs Joe Joc Kemp president and the KIwanis club Les Lea president Each child at the camp gained in weight the greatest gain being eight pounds in four weeks Mrs Charles with the aid of her son James ran the camp and cooked for the children Mrs Theo Thea Chesler also spent much time at the camp While at camp the children took part jart in a flag ceremony each morn morn- i ing They alsoc made their own beds under supervision of the nurse and helped clean elean up the camp Each forenoon the they were required to 10 take part jart in gymnastics and games Miss Ml Betty Kemp schooled them in this work and a also aim o taught them to sew and mold with clayOn clay On their last night at camp the club held an outing at the camp and furnished a local orchestra and treated the children to a wiener roast Addresses were given by Lea Les Breckon and J. J B. B Myers |