Show MEDICINE CABINET MISTAKES CALL FOR PROPER KNOWLEDGE GE VI Wrong rong Treatment Fatal in Accidental Poison Drinking Drinking Drinking Drink Drink- ing Cases Editors Editor's Note This is the tenth of ot a series of emergency first aid articles by Thomas W. W Dee first aid specialist in the Salt SaIt Lake City police department Another Another An An- other will be published Wednes Wednes- day dat By THOMAS W V DEE A medicine cabinet error has snuffed out the life of more than one person simply because they were treated rested by frantic per persons ons who were ignorant of ot the proper first firt aid pro pro- dure One of the most common and painful painful pain pain- ful medIcIne cabinet poisons is that of carbolic acid Many cases casel of or this acid poisoning can be traced to im im- roper propel labeling of home borne cabinet con con- tents Actual Case Followed Let us take an actual case of this type ype of poisoning and follow tollow the procedure procedure procedure pro pro- of treatment Police were called to a home where a woman was reported as almost dead The police rescue crew dil trained rained in jn first aid responded to the thel call The lips of the woman were white appearing as though they had been burned A bottle la labeled led carbolic acid poison acid poison was found in the room The color of the lips Ups indicated that thata a pure acid had been taken for impure impure im im- im pure acids burn the lips black The victim had stopped breathing ImmedI Immediately tely the officers started artifIcial artificial ar- ar respiration relaying for about 29 minutes s. s Then the thc victim began egan to vomit Then the patient bean began be be- gan an to groan It was a good sign so soar far ar as recovery was concerned Regains Consciousness After Aller about six more minutes the patient had regained consciousness Then she was given vinegar and whites of eggs in water to drink By this his time a doctor had arrived and the patient was removed to a hos hos- pital ital where she recovered covered complete complete- ly y In a few days First aid id in inthe the home is ess essential en I. I Learn it Practice it Teach it I I- I I t 2 4 i I 4 7 r j 4 e I I 7 I I r I Il Illustrating U correct procedure to induce duce regurgitation in hl medicine medicine medi cine chic cabinet poisoning I |