Show INAL IHAL T TRIBUTE PAID MRS KF NNIE F. F RAND RANDt RANDi t i era I S S C Conducted on d uc td e for The ter Mans Man's Wife F Funeral sei vices for Mrs Annie Find F F. ind md wife Harry Rand pioneer cater man manof of f Salt Lak Lake City who id d d. at r home j t 1574 th East Street treet i com complications lowing a I w Broken j i suffered i June in a fall were T f t t. the Donnell fc Co 4 rh rhomas mas bromer Blomer st st. t tI r ruler ler Salt Latu Latt City Ige No fl B. B P. P kE J E E. w was s in arge of ue ie ser ser- es Dr l Elmer Goshen p pastor tor Mrs Rand nand the Fir fat Qt Congregational church chuich ke ike M M numbers were sung Alvin ReddIngton Burial fol- fol red ved in cemetery Mrs d was born in Cincinnati lio ilo in and later moved to N N. N Y where she became dely in musical circles She me to S tit silt lt Lake City with her hus hus- nd 25 jj J ars ago from Crom Denver Mr Ra Ea rid nd with wilh his son Walter S. S md Ind en engaged haged in the theater busi busi- ss 55 in Salt it Lake City for several ars H B was proprietor of oC the old n and Empire theaters on onate onate ate and the Rand theater on onam am ain str street td t. t Surviving Mrs Rand are her bus hus- nd an anti and son |