Show NAZI NAil CRUEL CRUELTY 1 TOLD TO BOARD Prisoners Beaten by Storm Troopers Witnesses Declare i 1 NEW YORK July 3 UP-A UP trade union leader and and a German c communist corn com m- m conf confined ned in nazi Uon tion camps saw scenes of hr horror wreaked on fellow prisoners and were themselves beaten they told ld the American inquiry to day Appearing before the theby board Haded by Clarence Darrow and a gr group o of outstanding New v York attorneys gating conditions In n Germany Germa i Paul communist and Mar tin lin Nettle Berlin union leader told of ot their experiences as nazi pr prisoner n ro before their escape to o the Un United States c confined six weeks In three camps after his arrest at trade h- h headquarters said he saw aw be beatis' beatis in administered to companions companion by by- 2 20 year-old year storm troopers One old man roan man was ben beaten n on th the head with a n eane cane because he wu slow In picking up straw from tj the II floor the witness ss said saidi A Jewish 3 officer was kicked because a youthful youth youth- 3 ful troopers trooper's boots were were not shi shined ed it satisfactorily JJ From Prom came a story atory of nu nu l alleged beatings given hIntS by nazis seeking to learn the nam names M of oC communist leaders and the thc source of their literature j I looked like Ilke a zebra on my arm ann and and back from Irom the beatings J said mid l J |