Show Utah Aces Advance in Coast Tennis ennis Tourney I Special to The Telegram LOS ANGELES Cal Sept 20 20 Utah's intermountain doubles tennis title winners Dave Freed and Mel Gallacher of Salt Lake City hurtled their first round opponents In the Pacific southwest tourney Tuesday They defeated the r- r Alhambra junior j champions Gilbert Buford and William Wil Wil- 1 x liam Raymond in int t straight sets 6 1 f 6 s On Wednesday the Salt Lakers meet Martin McKee Mcf Mc- Mc f Kee and Von i J of Los Angeles In the second Dave Freed round Ross Sutton of Salt Lake and Vernon Vcr Vcr- non John of Denver were eliminated Tuesday by Johnnie Van an Ryn United States Davis cup star and Gerald Stratford of San Francisco by scores of 6 1 6 Sutton and John were originally booked to meet Ellsworth Vines and Lester but a tardy switch was made in the pairings Van Ryn's hard driVe repeatedly found openings in the defense of the intermountain netters although the acquitted themselves in style good LOS ANGELES Sept Se 20 UP UP- UP Eight seeded national and international international international tennis stars marched Into the quarterfinals of the Pacific southwest tennis championships today leaving behind seven colleagues who fell before before be be- fore the onslaught of lesser Survivors were Ellsworth Vines Jack Lester anc and Johnnie Van Ryn of the United States and Ryosuke oJ of Japan Don Turnbull of at Australia and Fred Perry defending singles of England local collegian furnished I one of at the major mojor upsets of the tournament tournament tour tour- when he spilled Adrian Quist Australian ace 6 4 6 He lie will meet Vines today Vines survived yesterdays yesterdays yesterday's yesterdays yesterday's yester yester- days day's round by chopping down Eikichi Itoh Japanese junior player 6 1 6 4 Perry defeated Elbert Lewis 6 2 6 2 Gene Mako sensational young U U. S S. C. C champion was wa-s eliminated by stocky Japanese Davis cup star after three bitterly contested sets The scores es were 7 5 6 3 6 3 required two hours to defeat defea Harold G. G N. N Lee of Great Britain 8 10 8 6 6 Donald Budge Young San Francisco national junior champion champion cham cham- pion was dropped from the senior singles list when he lost to Japan Japanese c is t 60 O 6 62 |