Show F FLASHES LASHES I Gets Shotgun Welcome Stealing March larch on Nature Long Time Between Drinks Fire Chief Gets Hot ALLERTON Dl m Sept 20 They JP-They W They greeted the Rev J. J T. T Hendrix with a shotgun when he came home from the Methodist conference It wasn't that the pastor tor isn't liked In fact he was so greeted because the parishioners think highly of him The The gun gun is to ro hunt game and thereby there b by cut ut down the cost cost of of living for forthe forthe forthe the pastors pastor's p pay Js Isn't very verr large GET THEIR THEm DATES MIXED MAPLE WIs Win Sept 20 The Thc The trees in the apple orchard of 1 E E. G G. G Doherty Maple farmer have their dates all mixed up Its It's fall bIl but butth th they're r In full bloom ARIDITY KENOSHA Wis Sept 20 Dry P P Dry for a hundred years the village of Bristol is to ro remain so despite a two to one vote against prohibition if the village board has i its way The board refused to issue permits for tor b beer r. r The attorney general generl held the board h has arbitrary power under the Wisconsin law o PASTOR TURNS SLEUTH MILWAUKEE Sept 20 Repeat P Repeat Repeated ed cd pilfering from the poor box In St St. Roses of Lima church prompted Father Fath er en S. S J. J Dowling to ro rig up a burglar alarm The gong sounded last night tur he sat at in his study Summon Summon- while aid b he went to the church and ins Sight caught ht the the culprit He held him rum until un un- til ail t the e police ar arrived ived WOODBURY HEIGHTS N. N J. J Sept 20 The P P The volunteer smoke eaters here can find their way to fires allright all allright allright right but sometimes Fire Engine they cant can't find their Goes A AWOL VOL e engine Councilmen e and the Sometimes Community Improvement Improvement Improvement Improve Improve- ment association have been squabbling over the engine since the council decided to form a new fire company Recently when Chief Carrigan arrived arrived arrived ar ar- ar- ar rived to call a fire drill the engine was missing A deputy sheriff had seized it CarrIgan sounded the fire alarm and alarm and to his amazement the missing miming engine dashed down the street street manned manned by coun councilmen MAY BITE ONCE BITE ONCE ANYWAY CHICAGO Sept 20 P P JP-I If every dog has his day so has a horse There should be no discrimination a judge ruled In the case of John Jackson a peddler whose horse bit Charles A horse could have one bite the thc Judge held adding hed he'd dismiss the whole hole affair if Jackson would pay hospi hospital l bilL WELL WELL A SURPRISE MINEOLA N. N Y Sept 20 Imagine the surprise of the entrants In the ashcan derby Twenty eight lined up their ancient automobiles yesterday for an ashcan race signaling the o opening ning of ot the Nassau county comity fair Just before the starting gun the drivers were were ordered to ro put their cars carsIn cars carsin carsin in reverse The race was was run backward back ward Frank L. L Carter in a 1912 model won H He saidI said I knew Id I'd win This car runs better better bet bet- ter backward than forward CLEVELAND Sept 20 0 W-If W If city council has hu Its way there will not be bea a bark in a of dos dogs In is suburban suburban sub sub- urban Parma Parana The council counell passed an ordinance forbidding for for- bidding dots dors to bark under uDder pain of expulsion UNIONTOWN Pa Sept 20 ff R JP- JP Several months ago a court named M.A. M.A. M.A. M. M A. A McCormick to succeed E. E B. B Swaney Swaney Swa Swa- ney as 33 township tax collector In yesterdays yesterday's primary election Swaney ran against McCormick for the Republican nomination for the j Job sob and b- b and nd beat him Swaney wife opposed McCormick for the Dem Democratic nomination nomination and and beat him Husband and wife will be opponents opponents at the election |