Show Troth of Girl GirlIs I Is II Announced Mr and Mrs Ambrose E. E Ring 1445 Gilmer drive announce the betrothal betrothal betrothal be be- of their daughter Elizabeth to J. J Gordon of ot Salt Lake son of Mr and Mrs Joseph Spend Spend- love lov of Bingham The marriage will take place Friday in Louisville Ky where the couple will wUl m make their home while Mr continues his medical studies Both the bride and bridegroom are graduates of ot the University of Utah and Mr is a member of Phi Chi fraternity Miss Ring will leave Wednesday evening for Louis LouLs- ville vUle Miss Eleanor Elcano Eberhardt ardt daughter of ot Mr and Mrs A. A E. E Eberhardt has issued invitations for a luncheon on Saturday for tor a group of close friends at her home on Second avenue Mr and Mrs Joel J. J Harris entertained enter enter- tamed at a prettily arranged dinner Tuesday evening at their home on Yale avenue avenue in In honor of the birthday anni anniversary ersary of ot Mrs RaIl Ralf R. R Wool Wool- Ie ley Pink rosebuds in irs a silver ilver bowl centered the table ble lighted with Nile green princess tapers The guests numbered thirteen Honoring Miss l S Helen n daughter of Mr and Mrs Max Ot Otten- Otten n heimer and Miss Barbara Sweet daughter of Mr and Mrs Arthur Sweet who leave shortly for Palo PaloAlto PaloAlto PaloAlto Alto CaL to attend Stanford university university uni uni- Miss Carolyn Odell daughter daugh daugh- ter of Mr and Mrs J J. J Fred Odell entertained at a delightful luncheon Monday afternoon Close friends of the hostess and honored guest at at- tended Miss s Aurelia Hampton will vill entertain enter enter- tales tain at a luncheon Thursday afternoon at the Hampton home on A street for fora a few close friends S Mrs Ann Hardie Has formerly of Salt Lake now In San Francisco is the guest for a fortnight of Mrs W. W E. E Snell Mrs Hardie Is en route to the coast after a visit in Pennsylvania Miss Alice Matilda Hicks who has hasen been en a popular visitor in the city for far forthe the past month as the guest of Miss Ruth Fabi Fabian n. n will leave Wednesday for her home in Hudson N. N Y William Fairbourne Armstrong son of Mr and Mrs W. W F F. F Armstrong left recently for Boston where he will attend the Harvard medical school En route he will visit in Chicago Chi cago and New York Active and a alumni members embers of the Sigma Chi fraternity will give a dancIng dancing dane dane- ing party Saturday evening at the fraternity house with Peter Carlson Carison in charge of arrangements for tor the affair Suzannah Eaton tent D D. D U. U V. V will meet Thursday at 2 p. p m. m mAn in the I. I O O. O. O F. F hall ball S Ladies Ladies' auxiliary to the Veteran Volunteer Firemen's association will meet Thursday at 11 a. a m. m at the hall haU Canyon road for an day all-day quilt ing Mrs John Aird and Mrs A. A A. A Pannier will be the hostesses S. S B. B A. A Thimble club will meet Thursday at 1 p. p m. m with Mrs Matilda Harvey Edison street Women's Missionary society of the Westminster Presbyterian church will meet Thursday at 2 p. p m. m with Mrs Sam Williamson Sixth avenue The theme for the afternoon will be beThe beThe beThe The Forward Look Section 1 of the Ladies Ladies' ies' ies Aid society of the First M. M E E. church will vIll meet with Mrs R. R W W. Frank 1527 Harvard avenue Thursday at 2 p p. p m. m Sego Lily club will meet Thursday at 2 p. p m. m with Mrs Isabel McDonald in the Sampson apartments Women of the Moose will meet on Thursday at 8 B p. p m. m at the hall hail Second East street S SOpera Opera Appreciation club will meet Thursday at 2 p p. p m. m with Mrs Ferdinand Ferdi Ferdl nand E. E Peterson 2607 Highland drive The arts and crafts section of the Ladies' Ladies Literary club will vill hold its first regular meeting Thursday at 2 p. p m. m Mrs R. R M. M Williams chairman chairman chair chair- man will extend greetings Se Section tion members may bring guests An exhibit ex cx- hibit of craft work will be held Exhibits Exhibits Exhibits Ex Ex- Ex- Ex hibits must be in by 1 p. p m. m Tea will follow Mrs E E. A A. A Hartenstein will pour The host hostess ss will be Mrs M M. T. T Large S A meeting of the Philathea chapter chapter chap chap- ter of the Delphian sC society lety be beheld beheld beheld held at the Hotel Utah Thursday at 2 p. p m m. The topic topie for the da day willbe will willbe be The Roman Republic with Mrs H. H F. F as leader Mrs H. H El E. Peterson will be the Delphian trav tray eler Following will be the program program pro pro- gram Conditions on the Eve of Conflict Mrs P P. H. H Cushman An Enemy's Portrait of Hannibal Mrs S a 51 G. G Quinney Western Civilization on the Brink Drink of Ruin Mrs A. A H. H Taylor The Battle of Trebia Mrs Paul Newman Romes Vengeance Mrs Mis B. B L. L Flannigan Results of Conquest Conquest Conquest Con Con- quest Mrs R. R I I. I McDonough a aThe The Past Matrons of Adah chapter 15 15 O. O E E. S S. Garfield will vill entertain the Past Matrons' Matrons circle of Salt Lake Lale at the Utah Cop Copper r club Thursday at att atI t I p. p m. m at luncheon The host hostesses e will wUl be Mrs C C. Co F F. F o Anderson Mrs George L L. Denton Mrs Hodge Marshall Marshall Mar Mar- shall Mrs Rufen Parks Mrs Elmer Speers Mrs Harold A. A Link Mrs Myers and Mrs W W. W. W Waters Mrs W. W R R. R Carter Third avenue has charge of transportation t tU U and I Bridge club will vill meet Thursday Thursday Thursday Thurs Thurs- day at p. p m. m at the home of Mrs M M. D D. D Blake Wilson avenue Altar society of S Our Lady of Lourdes parish will have a bridge luncheon Friday at 1 p. p m. m at the Z C. C M. M 4 L tea room Reservations may maybe maybe maybe be made with Mrs George S. S Murphy Murphy Murphy Mur Mur- phy or Mrs T. T C C. Hand Han Members of Delta Delta Delta entertained entertained en en- at a candle light re reception Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs W. W Prescott Dunn on Circle way In honor of Mrs O. O H. H Hulberg the sorority house mother Ivory tapers In irs silver shyer holders arranged In a triangle tri tn- angle Delta formation lighted the I reception rooms and dining room Pink and white garden blooms In tall tail baskets were arranged throughout the I rooms rooms' Receiving were Mr Mrs Hulberg Mrs Mss Dunn Mrs E. E A. A Littlefield and arid Miss Marjorie StohL Stahl Miss Elizabeth Boswell Bos Bos- well was in charge of the dining room and presiding at the serving table were Mrs A. A H. H Means Mrs W W. W. W Ray Mrs R. R B. B Porter and Mrs Paul H. H Ra Ray Serving were Miss Lucite Lu Lu- cite cilc Curtis Miss Helen EwIng Miss Margaret Young Miss Margaret Anson Anson An An- son and Miss Naomi Stohl A trio including Miss Reva Huffaker Huffaker Huf Huf- faker Miss Marjorie Stohl and Miss Luclle Curtis accompanied by M MMary Miss Mary Brain gave delightful musical numbers during the evening One hundred and fifty guests called to meet Mrs Hulberg Miss Janet Porter was committee chairman The Altar society of Cathedral of the Madeleine will give a silver reception reception reception re re- Thursday at 8 p. p m m. at the cathedral hall ball The Most Rev James E. E Kearney bishop of the Catholic diocese of Salt Lake accompanied by Mrs Ethel Hogan Hansen will wUI give an Illustrated musical lecture Mrs J. J W. W Thompson is the general chairman and will be assisted by the following committees Reception Mrs Thomas Vaughn Mrs J. J E. E Cosgriff Mrs B. B L. L and Mrs J. J J J. Galligan program Mrs A A. H. H S. S Bird publicity Mrs John C. C Daly and Mrs A. A J. J Murphy entertainment Mrs J J. C. C chairman Mrs John C C. Dwyer vice chairman Mrs J J. J M hI Hearley Mrs Frank Capitolo Mrs M. M Mrs John Mrs Mary McAlevey Mrs George English Mrs John Mrs Hugh Wilson Mrs Joseph and Mrs James OLeary O'Leary who will vill be assisted by the young women of the junior sodality The guests will b be received I at the door by Miss Catherine Curly Curl and Miss Kathryn Cunningham |