Show Your Baby and Mine By MYRTLE MEYER ELD ED BE lIE ALERT TO RECOGNIZE ABNORMAL I L CONDITIONS Perhaps no appeals which come to this department arc are so heart-breaking heart as those from mothers who have made a mistake which ended fatally No matter how blameless she is and is-and anc she is always blameless her blameless her torture is indescribable I have heard recently froma from a mother moth moth- er whose baby died of a thymus gland enlargement discovered only after her death The mother wanted me mc to w warn rn mothers that there is such a condition and not like her to Ignore it NO MEDICAL l AID Another mother had a a son slightly lii for about five days They lived on an isolated ranch and her husband hus hus- band advised her not to worry the boy wasn't very sick The boy grew worse then better then suddenly without warning was gone The doctor wrote a long name on on the death and the was nother-was mother was left to bewail her herloss herloss herloss loss and her stupidity in not calling aid before it was too late A third letter is before me this minute I uI am am writing this it reads not to obtain help but as a suggestion suggestion suggestion tion to the many many mothers who are reached b by your column Our old month baby was perfect in appearance appearance ap- ap large fat alert active with firm irm flesh She became ill with a high temperature and though she was taken to a hospital she was dead in Ji three days The doctor said acute inflammation of the kidneys I feel sure she must have had some abnormal abnormal abnor abnor- mal mat kidney condition previously and andI I want to warn mothers to have the urine checked frequently These are the materials of tragedy but it Itis is not in the light of these that we must fashion our daily dally care of children Some things can never be prevented even by the promptest aid Mothers must if they are to survive at all keep h health alth n not nt t accidents and Illness in mind All AU children should have adequate diets and good health care They should hould have a general physical overhauling overhauling over over- oyer- oyer hauling once a month if it possible once every three months at least Unusual Unusual Unusual Un Un- usual symptoms should not be Every mother knows when a a child breathes that it is not nota a normal condition When a child has las fainting spells regularly that is not a normal condition When he has fever ever constant colds coughs eruptions eruptions ions or persistent languor they arc are not natural conditions It is folly to wonder vonder why It is sensible to allow some ome doctor to uncover the cause The child who is ill longer than 24 hours despite sensible home care and isolation in bed needs attention Itis It Its Itis is s by such means that we ward off tragedy without living constantly in inear fear ear of it Il Tomorrow Complementary FeedIngs Feed- Feed Ings Boon to Youn Young Mother Are you perplexed by some phase of bab baby's s 's feeding or behavior Mrs Eldred Ildred will be glad to help you ou Write her in care of ot the Your Bab Baby and Mine department inclosing a self addressed envelope bearing a 3 cent stamp |