Show I r Deaths Deaths' I JOSEPH lun HUBBARD ARD Joseph Hubbard 73 died at his home hemp 31 Si 2 L 5 street treet Friday at a 1055 1031 10 a. a m. m folio wins a stroke I Hera's Heras born In la Willard Wiard o October tober 20 20 hISS 1859 and nd t had been a resident of Salt Lake Late for forthe tho he the last lat 12 1 years He was wa an active member memer mem- mem JUr ber er o of the 5 L. L O. O S. S church and for the put past 11 1 years had been a worker In I the Salt 1 Lake Lake L. L D. D S. S temple are ar his widow Mn Mrs lr S Sally ny A. A Hubbard lour Sour sons Ion M. M C. C Hubbard c of Wilard Wll- Wll Wi- Wi lard Lard ard Lester Lster A. A Hubbard of ot Salt Sal Lake Lak Al Al- AlVin Alin Vin cm in Glenn Olenn and Reece Hubbard of Doe ne a Sims Mrs Althea Aithea t Gardner of Salt t Lake e three b brothers Willard fl Hubbard tb of Logan LOEan Alma Hubbard Of Grace Idaho DaId David Da- Da vid eid Lna Id Hubbard lubbard of Albion Idaho five fv sisters sister Mr tins Mrs B E. E T. T Lloyd and SIrs Mrs MaUnd Merrill of 1 f Salt Lake Mrs Mn Owen Gwen Redford Bedford of Logan Lun Mrs Mr Elizabeth Burley Durley Idaho and SIrs Mrs Mr Julia Jula Barker Barter of ot Willard and ane eight Funeral arrangements are ae awaiting word ord relatives rom ANNA PlATTE PlATE Mrs Mr Anna Platte 83 83 8 died at the resl- resl dence ence of her daughter Mrs Mr E. E E V. V Byrne 83 Eighth E East st street Friday Fiday afternoon r a paralytic t stroke r She was born bornn f La n l low Iowa ra and a la had been e n a kie resident nr of f Salt m Late Lake fo for the last lat 20 years nan Surviving are four tour daughters Mrs Eva Xa Corey CoreY and Mrs Mr R. R G. G Kittle Kittie Kitte of Corona Cil Cat al Mrs Mr W. W J. J Booth Both of Perry Ferry Iowa and Mrs tirs Mr Byrne Dyre of Salt Sail Lake one son Frank nank Platte of Ont Ontario Cal Cil The bod body will be taken to Perry Iowa wi Sunday where bur burial and funeral services I will aiR wi take place place MINNIE LA MONT lONT MORRIS Minnie La Mont Morris Mori 42 42 widow of ot the ate late Albert Alber O. O Morris of toe Los Ls Angeles died ded at it It her home heme East Eat Fifth South street Saturday morning She was WIS born In 1 n B 1880 and had resided In Salt Lake Lk for lor lort torUn Un lye t 8 years She Bho Is survived b by her mother Mrs Mr Sarah Sarh E. E Abbott o of Salt Lake a daughter Merle Morris lorris- Moris 14 1 three thre brothers brother Ralph Abbott and Joseph Abbott Abbot of ot Salt Belt Lake and Earl Ear Abbott Abbot of Cincinnati Ohio Two To sisters Mrs drs Mr Emma Ema Lewis Lwis and Miss Maud aud Abbott Abbottt Abbt of t Salt Sal Lake also alo survive JULIUS ULUS O. O MEYER METER OGDEN OGDEN ulus OGDEN Julius Julius O. O Meyer retired d captain of f the fire fre department died Friday LI t t a. a m. m at hi his fer home ave lr W nue rue following a brief Illness e He was born r In Bear River City t be er 18 1871 a I son z of ll Louis I A A. A and Re Augusta Nelson ielson Nelon Meyer Meer He le had lived Ived In let Ogden O den the past ast thirty year sand und had been In the fire frt department under Chiefs Canfield Graves Grates And Andade nd ade h He lie was wa a member of the Utah lIsle Uth State Firemen's association Mr leyer was wa married marled here to Catherine CatheIne Denon Denon Deton Den Den- De- De ton on June 12 1916 Surviving are the widow and end one one son Ion Julus ullus ulius LeRoy Meyer Ogden four brothers And nd sisters L. L A A. A Meyer and Mrs Mr O. O E. E E token Joker Ogden W W. B. B Meyer Sacramento al Mrs Joseph Hall Idaho n Falls Idaho Funeral lf services rc will l be conducted i Sunday o at t 2 P. P m. m In the Lindquist Sons funeral hapel with ihn the k Rev q W. W H. H Fowle re of the J First Frt Baptist church officiating Interment will sill wi be In Od Ogden n City cemetery Members Member of f the Ogden Orden fire fre department will wl be pall pail bearers HARRY ALONZO GULL OGDEN OGDEN Harry OGDEN OGDEN-Hary Barry Alonzo Monro Gull 53 53 proprietor tor or of a barber shop at Five Po Points Int died In n P a local hospital Thursday night of monia sofia He was 1 born bor In Meadow Millard county September 10 1879 a son Ion of John and Charlotte Charlotte Char Char- lotte ails Criddle Griddle Gull Gul He Ifs Ie married Emma EmA Stew Slew Stewart art rt In his youth She died died In 1919 He married Veda in the Mantl Mant 5 L. L D. D Semple S S. emple temple December 12 1923 1023 He was an m active member ember of the L L. D. D S. S church was WI a member member memer mem mem- ber er of the quorum of seventies leentes and was wa second assistant superintendent In ip the Sunday Sun Sun- day 7 school of vS the I. I L. L D. D S. S Fifteenth ward The venue avenue he family home U Is 1 at Washington 1 Surviving vl are one adopted sort son and d one I Id adopted daughter uh e Mabel rend and It Verna r dG G Gull Y luden and six brothers and two sisters tart Mary Albert Harriet E. E Charles Leonard John olin William and Ezra GuIl GulU residing n a Utah Funeral services will be conducted Sunday at t 2 P. P m. m In the L. L D. D S. S Fifteenth ward chapel hapel with Interment In Willard City cemetery under direction of the Deseret mortuary JOHN H. H AMERICAN FORK John FORK John H. H Maughan 69 of Logan died at the home of his daughter daugh daugh- ter Mrs Mabel M. M Nelson here Thursday Thurs day evening of cancer of the stomach after a short Illness He was born In Wellsville November 30 1862 and had been a resident of Logan for several years Ills His wife Mrs Sarah Owen Oven Maughan died some time ago Surviving are five sons and daughters Mrs Mabel M. M Nelson American Pork Fork Mrs Alton D. D Lee Caliente Nev Merrill O 0 Maughan Chicago RYan Evan O. O Maughan Peg Peg- ram mans Idaho Kenneth O. O Maughan Syra Syra- ruse cuse N. N Y Funeral services will be conducted In Sunday CHRISTENA C. C BAIRD CITY Mrs CITY Mrs Christens Christensen Chris Chris- lensen Baird 77 widow of Alex Baird diet dIed Friday at 1 I IS 05 a. a m. m at et the family home 39 3 North Second West IVest street as the result o of Injuries sustained In a fall fali at her horn home two weeks ago Funeral services service will be held Sunday a at 2 p. p m. m at the Third ward chapel Bishop J. J F. F Downing will be In charge Burial Burla will be In Brigham City cemetery Mrs Baird was born at t Lille Denmark September 11 1855 a daughter of Christen and Annie Petersen Christensen Christen Christen- sen She came to Utah In 1870 settling in City She was married May 10 30 1875 in the L. L D. D S. S endowment house In Salt Lake For a time she lived at Slink Mink Creek Idaho returning to Brigham with her husband In 1888 Surviving are four sons son and daughters John E. E Baird and Mr Mrs Rena B. B Hopkins City Joseoh S. S Baird Salt Lake George Georee Q Baird Inglewood Cal and 21 2 grandchildren ANNA AMELIA ERICKSON SANDY SANDY Mrs Anna Amelia ErIckson 76 died at her home In Sandy early Saturday She Sho was born In As a Jo Sweden Starch March 2 29 1856 and came to the United States 52 years ago She had been a resident rest resi- dent of Sandy for many years and was an active 5 L. L D. D S. S church worker Surviving are two sons John 0 O. O ErIckson of Cornish Utah and Elgin W W. Erickson of Berkeley Cal three daughters Mrs Olivia C. C Jenion Jenson sod and Mrs Amelia Kim o of Sandy and Mrs Tulle Gilleen of Myton Utah 22 grandchildren and one great grand child |