Show EBLE SOLICITS TARIFF DEBATE Customs Chief Challenges Democrats to Discuss Subject I. I Challenge to Utah Democrats to deba debate 9 the tariff question question at-a at public meeting was m made ae Saturday Saturday by F F. X A. A Eble United States commissioner of customs on his arrival in S Salt Sail Lake from Washington I dont don't like to talk about myself he asserted but if anyone particularly Jarly a Democrat thinks he knows more about the tari tariff than I do I should like to hear about it Mr Eble came cam to Utah to make an extensive speaking tour of oC the state in behalf of his friend Senator Reed Smoot and other Republican candi candi- dates He will return to Washington the latter part of next week Its difficult to understand why Senator Smoot should have any dif difficulty difficulty i. i culty in being elected eJected In Utah the commissi commissioner ner continued But I hav have great faith In Utah voters Mr Eble will speak in Ogden Saturday Saturday Saturday Sat Sat- night and will will- spend the majority majority ma rna of next week stumping the state |