Show Backseat I Driving Explodes Myth i Lites fes Still Remember Strange Rivalry f t By FRANK BAKER m Sports Editor Redskins Never Regard Aggie Lightly I No matter how mu much h the dope favors fa von vors the University ity of Utah the Ag gies from Logan ar arc never regarded lightly by Redskin partisans It was only a D. half dozen years ago that the Redskins held the Farmers in something akin to awe wondering the meantime what strange or supernatural power th the held over the boys from the state uni That was in fri that period of six years from 1920 to 1925 inclusive when the AggIe Aggles beat the Utes four times time gained gamed one tic tie and dropped only one gam game Then along came Ike J. J Armstrong to coach the Redskins and after a couple of ol years he succeeded in exploding ex cx- that myth with a series of triumphs but even four or five wins in a row will not destroy that high regard f for r the The Redskin partisans partisans from from the water boy on the present club through the members of the team and on into the personnel of the alumni are arc arc ever watchful for forthe the unexpected when the Aggles come come to town It seems items strange trane that a az great ru a eh championship aggregation as the Utti should hould be so 0 o wary of a tea team that has hu been able to score but seven points point against them in the past seven years yean But Dut the Arties Anlu in those fat seasons of th theirs never nevert t came to Salt Lake favored to beat the Utes ute In fact they invariably were wore the lowest of underdogs so 10 far faras faras as U practical analysis was concen concerned ea It was as their disdain for the dope In those se seasons ons that made Its Impression sion on aD the Redskins so 0 It is little wonder now now that a a. university fan would not noC be surprised at all if It an Artie Anle player rolled up hi his Jersey sleeve and produced a rabbit horn from hit bis elbow Those victories of 1920 1921 1911 1923 and l 1925 S seemed equally al as absurd but they were plenty convincing eon eon- Once Hovered Over Utes as Big Terror Only Utah's championship club of 1922 1921 saved the Redskins from utter humiliation before the Logan horde during the seven or year eight reign of terror Meanwhile the Aggie victories vie vic tories became something of a tradition lion tion as the long downtrodden Aggles I swung Into a series of victories almost have I as sided one-sided as the ute triumphs been in the past four se seasons The Aggles have captured but eight encounters from the Utes but half of them were crowded into that short hort interim Led by the wily Louis Falck Falek quarterback the Aggles crashed on through to a 9 to 3 triumph in 1920 when all the scoring was made by byfield byfield fi field ld goals Utah was an outstanding favorite in 1921 yet the won 14 to 3 The Ute Utes revenged themselves a bit with a 14 t to 0 win the the- next fall only to have havethe havethe havethe the Aggles pull pun another sleight of oi h hand nd trick on them in 1923 with a 23 to 13 IS victory alter after reports of many Aggie injuries turned out to be nothing nothing noth noth- ing more snore than some more choice bear stories Tied at all in the Agiles came came visiting again in 1925 Armstrongs Armstrong's Armstrong's Armstrongs first JA E t season eason at Utah Utah and and won again IU 10 O. O S Coach Armstrong had fallen heir to a a. schedule that pitted Utah against only a few days before the annual Turkey d day y clash duh with the Arrles Little trouble was v anticipated from the but the they did eve nr but lariat the Utes and drat drag them from their ponies That TW hectic struggle with the Cowboys no doubt sapped lapped the Utes of much vitality At any rate Coach Ike vowed never again arain and since sines then the ute Utes have always left ample time iline before the rame game to prepare for it with thoroughness Jinx Had Not Run Course Even Then I Armstrong and the Utes of 1926 1928 gave the university a pleasing 34 to 0 victory vic i tory but the Aggie jinx had not spent I its us full force for for- forit it seemed to be active ac ae j I t 1 I H tive ti again In 1927 1927 when the two clubs e fought to to toa a scoreless deadlock It is a strange rivalry this rivalry this ancient feud between the Utes and the Ag Aggles ties gies Except for that brief perl ped period d the Utes have been a domineering sort lort of a foe But so 10 long as u memories of that Aggie uprising are so to vivid the Redskins will worry riot not a little when the boys from Logan come com to tor r f town toyn |