Show THREE REASONS WHY KIDS LIKE TO GO TO SCHOOL 1 r 4 I y J k J t t 4 r iz f fy A y 1 w I i I n I- I I 1 z i c 1 11 k i S S. S q 7 k j 4 t 3 4 S 01 Of or the nearly teachers attending the Utah Education associations association's thirty seventh annual con- con it would be hard to find lInd three more enthusiastic than these who are arc teaching their first year are ne attending their first convention and are arc among the youngest members of the association Left to right they arc are vay grammar grade music teacher at Trenton Doril White primary teacher at al Willard and Mary Alary Dalley Dailey- grammar grade instructor at Cedar City Doll Up and Be Chic Teachers Teacher Advised Lipstick Better Than Hickory as Spur to to Learning School Head Says Book larnin that Little Johnny was forced to acquire in yesteryear with the aid of ot a hickory stick is made easy these days with a abit bit of lipstick a dab of rouge and a chic costume This was an opinion of W. W D D. D Vincent Vine Vin cent Idaho commissioner of education education tion expressed In a speech to an audience audience audi audi- ence at Twin Falls FaUs In which he pictured pic plc- tur the better teacher as a glorio glorious glor io ious s reat re Utah educators tors who wh attended the sessions of oC the Utah Education association asso asso- elation Friday and Saturday pointed to the array of glorious creatures who are Utah's schoolmarms THREE TEACHERS CHOSEN And as typical they chose three country school teachers Mary Dalley DalIey of Cedar City Doril White of Willard and Fredone of Trenton All AU smiles and filled with enthusiasm the three schoolmarms they they look more like college coeds coeds caMs ad admitted it was their first year in the schoolroom and think its it's swell They agree with Commissioner Vincent that smart appearance has hasa a lot to do with education for all said they have never been forced t tuse to use harsh methods of ot discipline on their pupils ADVISES CHIC The Idaho commissioners commissioner's advice to older teachers given in in a speech delivered at a district convention of oC the Idaho Education association is Get a new red sweater suit Touch up those cheeks with good French rouge Put on some checker woven silk hose don a bright tam tarn or an impudent impudent im im- im- im little hat with a long saucy feather set at an angle of 45 degrees to the zodiac And just before you ou leave home doll doli up the lips a bit and then swag swagger r over to your work all an abloom with health and happiness |