Show Chesapeake Bay Anglers Spend F Fortune Weekly BALTIMORE Sept 7 P An An- An who seek their pleasure in lii inthe inthe the Chesapeake bay and its tributaries tribu- tribu spend more than on fi fishing trips in one week according according ac ac- ac cording to the figures made public public pub pub- lic lie by Swepson Earle Maryland conservation commissioner The Thc ff figures ures were compiled from records kept by the deputy commanders com Coin manders s of the thc conservation atlon department de de' department for the week beginning August 22 E Earle said the report showed persons took part in the sport during the week making 2621 boat trips At an average cost of 8 per boat the watermen who hired their boats received He Hp figured half hat the fishermen remained in boarding houses and hotels for two days spending apProximately approximately approximately ap ap- ap- ap proximately 5 a day His figures did not include money spent for bait and transportation When fish are biting in the Chesapeake bay and its tributaries tributa ries Commissioner Earle said it means not only pleasure to thousands of sportsmen but a good livelihood for watermen who take out fishing parties and to other citizens of the tidewater section |