Show Mrs I Hok Honors Guests Honoring Mrs Radovan N. N of Paris who Is 15 in Salt Lake for the Hartman Harris nuptials Mrs Wilt Wil lIam C. C Jennings of California who is visiting in Salt SaIl Lake Mrs Arthur also of California who is visiting her mother Mrs W. W H. H McIntyre Mc Me Intyre and Mrs Curtis D. D Renfro who Is a guest of her parents Mr and Mrs J. J M. M Bidwell Mrs James Tames A. A Hogle entertained at n R beautifully appointed appointed ap ap- ap pointed tea on Wednesday at her home on East South Temple street The tea table was centered with a basket of fall faU fruits and green reen candles in silver slIver candelabra were at either cither end Presiding at the tea and coffee urns were Mrs M. M S S. Woodward Mrs E. E O. O Howard Mrs Adolph Baer Bacr Mrs M. M H. H Walker Mrs Mary T T. Bailey and Mrs Sarah Bog Boggs s. s Th The hours were from 4 t until 7 p. p pm p.m. m. m and a large number of friends of the hostess host host- ess and honored guests called 5 Miss Linda Jessup and Miss Florence Florence Flor Flor- en ence e Jessup returned Tuesday from a n two weeks' weeks trip to California where they visited rel relatives tives Mr and Mrs Snow Sno an and baby arrived on Wednesday evening for a visit with friends in in Salt Lake Miss Lucille Francke has returned from Milford where she has spent the summer with her parents Mr and Mrs Frank Robinson A garden party part for the active pledge and alumnae members of Phi Kappa Kapp Alpha will be given on Wednesday even evening ng at the Glade home 2610 Highland drive Board of directors of the Elks Ladies Ladies' Ladies Ladies' Ladies Ladies' La La- dies' dies club will meet at p. p m. m Thursday at the home of Mrs Grant Gregerson 1267 Yale avenue Mrs Ben Willi Williams ms and family have returned from their summer home at Fish lake where they have spent three months Mr and Mrs Arthur Christian Hartman Hartman Hart Hart- man parents of Ga Gage e Christian Hartman Hartman Hart Hart- man of Glendale Cal and Mr and Mrs John Jackson of Glendale who have been motoring in the southern Utah parks arrived Wednesday for forthe forthe forthe the Hartman Harris-Hartman wedding weddin on Sat Sat- They will be at the Bransford apartments Mr and Mrs B B. B R. R Howell and md Mr and Mrs George Georgc Schneider of or Rutherford Rutherford Ruth Ruth- erford N. N J. J are motoring in southern south south- ern era Utah S Mrs D D. D J. J Laramie entertained the members of the membership committee commit commit- tee of the thc Catholic Womans Woman's league at luncheon on Wednesday at her home in the Eagle Gate apartments The guests were Mrs S. S E. E Whiteley chairman chairman chair chair- man Mrs Mr H. H A. A vice chairman Mrs F. F H. H Ager Mrs E. E E E. Amos Mrs George D. D Chouinard Mrs Ray L. L Davis Mrs J. J E. E Dowd Mrs D. D J. J Laramie Mrs Frank Laramie Lara Lara- mie Mrs E. E A A. A Leupold Mrs H H. D. D Luse Mrs J. J J. J and Mrs C. C F. F |