Show Cubs Break All Records For Variety in Pilots Days When Rabbit Maranville 1 Was C Carefree Skipper are Recalled Johnnie Evers Had Two Tries at Chicago Job Joh By United Press The Chicago Cubs Culs have had many unusual experiences with managers during the thc last 15 or 20 years Their latest leader is Charley Grimm a capable ball player who has all the qualifications for a successful leader Grimm mi might ht have been a vaudeville actor if he had not been a ball player He Hc sings plays a banjo and for years was known as the best comedian in baseball Lately he hc has settled down and paid more attention to ball playing than to comedy HORNSBY'S GAMBLING MANIA l I Grimms Grimm's predecessor Rogers Hornsby had a mania for g gambling which finally got him in bad and led to his release after less than two years at the thc helm Joe McCarthy before Hornsby pu put in almost five seasons as manager of oC the Cubs hut but he finally lost out because because be be- cause the late William Wrigley was impatient with his efforts to give him hima a world championship team In 1925 the year before McCarthy came to the Cubs the thc team had three managers Bill Killefer now manager manager man man- ager of the St. St Louis Browns was given the job at the start of the season season sea sea- son but he hc was a failure Rabbit Maranville succeeded Killefer Killefer Kille Kille- fer in and more things happened under Maranville's regime of oC a few months than have ever happened hap hap- on any ball club before or since The first trip the thc Cubs made un under er Maranville as mana manager er the little infielder infielder in in- fielder paraded through the Pullman with a bucket of ice water and poured it on any player he hc found asleep Manager Maranville wasn't going to have any sleeping on his ball club When the thc club reached New York Maranville landed in jail for punching punching punch punch- In ing a taxicab driver In the nose for taking him around the thc same block twice to run up the meter In Boston he chased all the thc players out of the clubhouse so he could be alone with wilt a newspaper buddy The Cubs di didn't nt make any progress under Maranville but they w weren't rent bothered b by any rules or regulations regulations' Maranville didn't care what they did so long as ashe ashe ashe he had a good tim time Johnny Ever had two flings at managing managing man aging the thc Cubs once in 1913 and again in 1921 but he was a failure both times He was too fiery ODAY FOR SEASON Umpire Hank ODay was called into into in into to manage the Cubs in 1914 but hut he lasted only one season sason Rogers Bres was the manager in 1915 Joe Tinker in 1916 and Fred Mitchell from 1917 until 1921 Mitchell won a pennant in the war year of ol 1918 and managed to hold his job four years a n along along long stretch as Cub managers go |