Show GUARD SHERIFF FROM VIOLENCE IN JAIL DEATH Rushed to Prison Killing o of Inmate in Third Degree Hinted I en R Br United Frew pren PEKIN Ill Sept 7 Deputy 7 Deputy She Sher- Sher Iff C. C C. C Skinner was rushed to th the Peoria jail for safekeeping toda today when authorities said they feared vl vie vie- vio-l vio lence after his arrest on a warrant warran charging murder of a prisoner Tazewell county peace officers sa said feeling was high in the community over the death of the prisoner Martin Mart whose body was found han haning hanging hang hang- ing from a jail cell bar shortly after he testified officers had given him a severe beating The warrant asking Skinners Skinner's arrest ar ax- rest was sworn out after examination of body indicated that death deat was not due to hanging Just before his body was discovered discovers who was being belOg questioned In connection with a R slaying had test test test- fied fled at the Inquest that that five five deputies beat him severely when he did n not answer questions to their satisfaction A few hours later just as as' as he was wa about to bo be released the sheriffs sheriff's o of of- lice Ice reported the finding of body hanging by his belt from a barIn bar barin barin in the celL Investigation was started when It was learned the prisoners prisoner's bod body showed marks of serious violence The murder warrant was obtained when Dr William D D. McNally Ch Chicago Chi Chi- cago pathologist declared the theman man d did not die by his own hand McNally said the exact cause of death had n not yet been determined Testimony by at the murder murde Inquest included a statement th that deputies pretty near killed me H He testified Skinner had jumped on hi his neck |