Show If Its It's Solitude You Want If It its it's complete solitude youre you're after try n ft trip into the high in the eastern part of the state such as the writer was privileged to take during the past week Your auto will carry you up a narrow narrow nar nar- row but safe highway opened only fout four ye years ars ago by the government as asfar asfar asfar far as Mirror lake That much is a most beautiful ride an mile 80 trip from Salt Lake but you haven't seen anything You must load your equipment equip ment meat on packhorses and climb aboard a horse yourself for a mile 15 jaunt into th the heart of that primitive area if you are areto to appreciate the grandeur of those forest covered and rockbound mountains almost two miles above sea leelAnd level le And you haven't had fun at all until youve you've packed through that wilderness wilder wilder- ness mess after dark with nothing but the keen intuition of your our guide and the sharp eyes of your horses to keep you from getting los lost You'll marvel at the sure footed footed- ness mess of your steed as he plods along alonga a narrow trail hanging to the edge of ofa ofa ofa a precipice You'll shiver a bit at the frigid night air 1 r and wonder how much colder your toes will get The monotonous monotonous mo mo- clank of the horses' horses hoofs on the stony path the occasional spark when their shoes strike against the rocks and those white packs barely discernible in the gloom ahead will be welcome evidences that you are still stUl with the party |