Show T is GUEST OF N N. N Y ANNUAL FAIR Visits State v mor f on lan Day After After Doaks Doak's Address E Br AM ted I gas sYRAcUSE OUSE N. N Y Sept 6 New 6 New tunes annual 1 state tate fair lair which yes yes- heard h rd Secretary of Labor WilDoak Wil Wil- N H. Doak extol President Hoover latest greatest of all outstanding p Ithe figures today had as ast guest t Governor Franklin D D. Roose Roose- welt felt of the annual d days in nd advance nce TwO day Mr Roosevelt o onn n ors overnight train from his hise e on V an ace at Hyde Park Each year visits the state slate fair and id t os the a thousands of New York York- other visitors who gather in fI cd and Today however Ik velt is not scheduled toI to tote Roosevelt I goose rake SS te year fear the he Governors Governor's day visit Governor jibe made by Lieutenant gerbert H. H Lehman whom Mr Roose Roose- S for the Democratic supporting I IJ 11 1 t Senatorial nomination secretary Doaks Doak's s 's speech yesterday retarded regarded as u the opening of sl active campaign in Hoovers Hoover's ent state Doak brought the York hew V e dents Ident's greeting to the fair The libor labor secretary gave cave h his un t. t indorsement to the shorter 1 cr of week as a means means means' the 1 ibe fruits of mechanization He HelI ig g and short short- lI ed also Increased wages work ork days I r C Warning against any letup of relief reHer Doak Desk said great public works torts fort ii on foot would absorb thousands Av work of offet ofis workers He praised the fet y recent bankers bankers' and industrial 1 I would have you remember he u that this great national non non- artisan conference was originated of ofU by that greatest ad n U outstanding humanitarian figures world the president of the theT tIthe the T railed failed States g Mr tt Ro Roosevelt sevelt a farmer himself ill all visit the farm exhibits today and anda yr a witness some of the races AJ At Hyde Ib-de Park yesterday the govnor gov gov- nor mor re received elved Bernard M. M Baruch Ie ie e financier who expressed willing willing- e a to do anything to aid his can can- tr nl v |