Show Suspect Held in Grocery Robb Robbery ry Allen 26 d believed by policeto police to o be the gunman who robbed Albert J. J Huber grocer at Sixth East street treet of 20 late Saturday and fled led after locking Mr Huber and his brother J J. J H II Huber in the icebox was vas being held in the city jail on open op-en charges Monday He was arrested by Ogden police officials officials' officials late late Sunday at the request of Detectives Leland Daley and C. C H. H i. i Olson who investigated the rob rob- bery Mr Huber identified Carbis as the bandit at th the in the city jail ail Monday according to the police Carbis has hasan an extensive record ol of oil petty criminal crimin l activity in hi Salt Lake according to police reports rep police Police are investigating his his' possible connection tion lion with other holdups that have occurred recently |