Show Wall Street Briefs Business was suspended In Wall street atud today In observance of Labor d. d day All An the thi security and commodity exchanges will resume re re re- sume tomorrow U UThe The advance in commodity prices has hat been uneven and Wall Wan street has been disposed to feel fed disappointed over the small proper I of t the recovery C in copper O Reaching h fa fat 0 6 cents t a pound u last week k however VI the rei re metal has pulled Itself well above Its record recon low and it Is figured that any substantial U I upturn In business 1 will stimulate rat ratU demand and doubtless lead to further recovery recover in the price U UThe The The public l utilities may mar still l claim l the d distinction of h having baring m lever fewer dividend n climbs climbs- L I and reductions reduction than han ao any other group Most of ot those tho which had to resort to susPension suspension sus sus- Pension of payments Were comparatively ne nu new corporate u units In t the group croup of well wel established d du companies J pan Ph have e no not been heavily henU impaired In spite of the severity of the depression according to the latest lates earnings taur statements statement enta |