Show Society V and nd Clubs Bridal Lunch Given for 16 Miss Frances Prances McGonagle entertained enter enter- tamed at a prettily appointed bridal luncheon Monday at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs George F. F McGonagle McGonagle Mc Mc- Gonagle on Twelfth East EMt street for Miss Carol Barclay whose enga engagement engagement engage engage- e. e ment to William Francis McCrea has been announced The luncheon on was served buffet style and four tables of bridge were were at play following lunch lunch- eon Pink snapdragon centered the Ithe serving table The bride was assisted assist assist- ed by her mother Miss Elizabeth Hammil will give a supper for the bride bride Tuesday at the Elizabeth Eliza th tea tea- room Mrs S. S V. V R. R Gros Gras will entertain at tea on Tuesday from 4 ur lil 6 p. p mat m m. at her home on East Second South street in compliment to Mrs P. P H. H who is visiting her parents Mr VIr and Mrs Milton H. H Lipman and Mrs H. H L. L Taylor wife of Major Tay Tay- lor br or recently assigned to Fort Douglas I Miss Patricia has issued Invitations Invitations' for a tea to be given on Tuesday from 3 until 6 p p. p m. m at the Alpha Delta Pi Pt house hoWe 70 South Wolcott Wolcott Wol Wol- cott avenue for tor Miss Geraldine Smith and Miss Alice Leberman who leave soon to enter Pomona college at Pomona Pomona Po Po- Po mona mon Cal The Catholic Womans Woman's league will hold lold its first meeting of ot the season Tuesday at p p. p In m in the Cathedral hall haU corner coiner of B and South Temple streets The president Mrs Thomas F. F Cahill will preside and the pro- pro program program gram ram will be directed by Mrs George F. F Egan program chairman for tor the year The Rev Monsignor D. D G G. Hunt will talk alk on Catholic Action and Mrs Cahill ahill will outline the work of the league cague for tor the ye year r. r The musical program will be directed direct direct- ed Bernard M. M Hanson and will include contralto solos by Mrs George W. W Terry and piano numbers b by jy Mrs Hanson Miss Madelene Flood and Miss Catherine Bonner Banner Following the program and business business busi bus ness session a reception in honor of the he new officers will be beheld held and tea will be served d by members of the entertainment committee with Mrs I J. J r. r H. H Rayburn chairman and Mrs J S. S Lochhead vice chairman League members may bring their friends friend The Kappa Tau Delphian chapter will sIll hold its first meeting of the fall faU fallat fallat at 2 p. p m. m Tuesday September 6 athe atthe at I the he Hotel Utah The subject of the days day's lesson Ls Is is Introduction to the Study of Renaissance Renaissance Re Re- Painting Mrs E. E Ray Chr Christensen will be the leader and wi will give the scope of ot the years year's study Topics of the lesson will be given as follows Ancient painting Mrs D D. E. E Loughran Laughran Lough Laugh ran Byzantine painting Mrs Waldo Lyman the Italian revival Mrs Earl Wright study of ot pictures Mrs W. W W. W Gardener Mrs R. R Vern Vera McCullough will lead in the general discussion contemporary art all from the Delphian quarterly will wilt be reviewed by Mrs Howard Toward J. J Stoddard The first meeting of the Speech Readers club will be held Tuesday at 8 J p p. p m. m at Civic Center Miss Eliza Eliza- beth jeth Robins and Mrs E. E H. H Rees who attended the meeting of the American Amen Ameri can Federation for tor the Hard of f Hear Hear- HearIng Ing ng in San SRn Francisco will tell teU of ot their trip Hearing devices will be provided provided pro pro- vided and a reception will follow the meeting All members of the club and interested friends are invited p The rhe Ladies' Ladies Aid society of ot the First VI M. ME E. E church will meet for luncheon Tuesday at 1230 to 1 I p p. m. m Reservations Reserva Reserva- Ions must be made by Monday evening even even- ing ng to the circle leader The Women's Republican club dub will meet Tuesday September 6 at 2 p p. m. m In n the Newhouse hotel Musical program program pro pro- gram prepared by Mrs A. A T. T Egan EJan chairman consists of ot two solos One Alone from The Desert Song and from The Mikado to tobe tobe be je sung by Miss Charlie Williams accompanied accompanied ac ac- ac companied by Mrs J J. B. B Parker John postmaster of Salt Lake City will speak on Leadership of ot President President dent Hoover and A. A B. B Irvine will also address the club Mrs Anna Davis will arrive from Los x s Angeles Tuesday and will be with Mrs L. L D. D at Third ave aye nu nue e. e Mr and Mrs J. J C. C Weeter have returned from their summer home at athe atthe atthe the he North Fork club in Idaho Miss Anita Davidson who has spent pent two weeks with her aunt Mrs Hannah Keyting has returned to her I home in Los Angeles I Mrs A. A T. T McCann has returned from a six months months' visit in Ohio |