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Show FIRE AT 0UDEX. A Two Thousand Dollar Hzz? at the Jnnr'Itn Citr. About 7:30 o'clock last night the fire alarm belt from box SI, corner of Grant and Tn'cnty-fourtb, rang an. alarm and the department was ready for work in an instant. Turning Turn-ing i!own Twtnty-fourth,tlie engine and hose cart reached the box and found everything all right and were ordered bitk to the house, as Chief Rhodes considers! that the best thins t3 tl- As the vicinity of the City Hall was reached the boys saw a large blaze on the bench. The anlmils wen; TTiilppul up and It did not take lonj to reach the fire, which was on tho comer of Monroe Mon-roe Avenue and Twenty-fourth Street, and confined to the buildings or William Uarlind, the Bear River Canal contractor. The run was a very heavy one and the horses were pntty well blown when they reached tbeFpot;onuengitieauImal, which has itecu ailing for some time, bad a hard lime to get there at all. By the time the hose could be attached and water turned on the house was a mass of flame3, but the boys worked bravely; two of them, under the direction of the chief, stood inside the burning building and prevented the fire from spread lng to the back rooms. Several narrow escapes from falling timbers were expeileuced, but the firemen held their own and soon the blaze was under control, but not before it had totally destroyed the front room, used as offices, a large number num-ber of sets of harness, office fixtures and account books. A larje crowd of people assembled assem-bled and, as usual, hindered the free uso of the hose, dceplte the cHurls of stvtral policemen. For a long distance around residents begin be-gin piling tiielrfurniture out in the strett, preparatory to a general conflagration. con-flagration. When asked why the alarm from box "I had souudeJ, Chiof Rhodes said hu had since a;c?rtained that alarms had lieeu cent in from boxes 31,3 1 and 35 by ierams who saw the Itrgeblzza above tlie trees and the three had sounded as Xo. 21 at the Are hall. Last night aft:r the department had been safely Lou o 1. a Standard reporter accompanied Chiuf Rhodes to thesceueof the fire on n tour of Inspection. Mr. U.rlttid's chief clerk wa faund, an I suited thst the loss ani.'il r.nuiiint to about $2,000. Tho building aud coateuts carry $3,001 insurance, hut fti only anout half the structure was destroyed, the gentleman will lo-e a little. A large frama dwelling house which Is about twenty feet from the burned building was saved by the hard work ot the fire boys. The chief thinks the city should purchase a chemical engiue to be used Iu case of small fires In business busi-ness blocks. The cost is small r.f i a year's time is always gleu. At oue lire the worth of the machine cjuld easily be saved, where the llames had not got too much headway. head-way. Sometime during the present week a gentleman representing one of tlie largest chemical engine houses in the world will bo in Og-den Og-den to tea about making a sale. OgJen needs an engine of this character; every largo city lite them. Standard. |