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Show 1 be Me Kg Reductions Vtt BEGINNING WITH THE NEW YEAR. j TED-DOUjn I Men's Overcoats, IS ' Boys' Overcoats, - Children's Overcoats II Men's. Boys' T TT ' I and Children's w" J JL X. Y I Wo have the Largest Stock of i BEADY MADE CLOTHING m- - IN THE -bst. I WE MANUFACTURE OUR OWN GOODS ! GOLDSMITH & CO. I 61, 63 and 65 Main St, MANUFACTURERS, JOBBERS AND RETAILERS. I FURNITURE-" Vco a choice yfc$ ix line & A k -g a v roX I 5 c c a r- x X-X aX "i H i e- --soXvCT l n. "XA VARIETY OF V A 1 AVOY3?XI 3 I f "OH. -.'M H OXiIDATS k SM MES IT ISABELLA JIORXE.rmt. itltS.lIATTlt JTAISBITT-T1IOVJS. Sup 1 WOMAN'S MESS GOODS, 1 nn nocDBTiuc FANGY GLES g . uu-urtffATivt H3Teltles in chriStmas PresEnts P MERCANTILE and DRESS HAKING'tT" I! Dress Goods aodl Trimmings MANUFACTURING BURIAL SUjTS S 1 institution. InumSmS I I teasdeTs. P GREAT BAZAR gg, OF v 1! 1 FOUR IRG1 STORES )F USEFUL If ELOIJJA! 'Fft-lLgMMH 1 20 PER GENT. REDCTION W On Furs, Cloaks, Dolmans, Jfcets, Etc. EVERYBODY wants SHQ, for self Hj wife, boys or girls. lO f cent off. Hi Men and Boys all will accenf a GOOD I - HMTrTP. 10 Per CenDff. ' ' VV M roslral j H ,11 benl- ? ' Oi i"lm 3 K CH.?'A OR-VAJEIVTS. 9 Vases, M, Motto Cups and Saucers. Elegant Stock. K D-NO Mckinley bill affecjour prices. m RAISINS. ABr T,,iiS,,.is-f". Hfj We have an Extra Stock to meet ereat Rush-- I been dally coming, and still et to come, to I TEASDlL'S. I " .'.1' ' " Copylrt.' 1 JEWELS AND LACES. Oh, jrirl with th SewrUed ficarrs, Otmrtrl with the Uoea rt" TVhat are your jewels tnd wfcat are xotir U worth to you If, from undcixolnff the trylxur ordeals which fashionable society lmpows on derot. couj:h to test the rhjilcal rtrenfrth and endurance of the mort robust, you break down, lose your health and become a physical wreck, i thousands do from such causes? Under tucb drcumstancca you would wlUUyrly siTe all your Jewels and all your laces to retrain lost health. This you ran do if you will but resort to the use of that frt-at restorative known as Dr. Pierce arorite Prescription. Thousands of pralef ul women bless the day It was made known to them. lor all derangem ents, irrefrularltJes and weaknesses peculiar to women. It is the onlv remedy, sold by drunrtsts. under a Jiovlitre auaraniee Irom the manu cturers, that It will pire eatUfartlon m erery case, or money will be refunded. This guarantee has been printed on the bottle-wrapper, and faithfully carried out for many years. . An Inrifforatinp tonic. It Imparts rtrrnjrtn to the whole system- For feeble women generally. Dr. Pierce s Favorite Prescription Prescrip-tion is the jrreaUct earthly boon. OR. PIERCE'S PELLETS mrulii mnd dense the Bver. ttnmich SlSSrt One doee. Sola tr - gUU L S Btl TliL LEGAL NOTICE. In the Prol le Court, in and for Slt Late Coantj-, Temtory of Huh. In the Matwr of the Etute of Ellen II. llaUht. drel. -VTOTltfc 1 llf-KDl GIE.T!IT 1 niton lllhl. AdminUtntor ot the Liute of Ulen II. llusbt. Jeceuril. bat lendcred for f etllen. ent, and filed In ald Conrl. hu final account ot hi adrainiitra Uon of tald estate and locution for final d a tntntion of the retiane of taid etute amonff the rersont entitled thereto, and that atnrdaT.tne34th darof Jnnarr.A. I 1 91. at lo o clock a.m , at tre Conrt Uoom .f taid Cunrt, In the Couulr Jour llonte. alt Iie Citr and Uonnlr, Llah Temlorj, hat been duly ai poinled by Ibe Jndze of ald court, fur the tetlle rnt of aid account and bearing taid petition for duuibution. at which tine ana place anj iieronintereledlntaideu:emaj'ai.ie r and thow cauc. if any there be. why aid account should not be trilled and ap. rorcd and final dutnbution made at prarcd for Hated January Jnd.lSIl ,LLV Clerk of the 'I'rvbate Lonrt. LEGAL NOTICt. In the 'rotate Court, in and for Salt Lake County, Territory of Llah. In the matter of the tuie ot John T. Thompton. deceased. -VTOTICE IS HLI1EBV CHEN. TIIT JM Mary Ann L. Thompton. Executrix of the but will and testament of the Estate of of John T. Thompson deceased, hat rendered for tettement. and filed in laid Court, her final account of her administration admin-istration ot taid etute and petiuon for final distribution of the resjdue of taid ettale amonc the persona entitled thereto, and that ThursdayAbe lith day of January. V.1) lol,at 10 oclock a m.. at the court Loom of taid Court, in the Conntr Conrt ilwuse. i-alt Lake City and County. Cub Territory, hat been duly appointed by the Jnd?e of taid Court for the settlement of said ac-con ac-con t and heanoc said petition for distribution, distri-bution, at which time and I lace any per son Interested In taid estate may car and thoir caute, if any there be. why taid account should not be settled and approred and final distribution made at prayed for. Dated lecember, USM. & E. AU.L.S. CI rk of the lrobate Court- fty C E. Stanton, depuf. d Jan LEGAL NOTICE. In the Probate Court in and for Salt Late Connty, Territory of Llah. In the mailer of the Estate of tftUiam Howard, deceased. Notice of time and place for the hearinrof petition for admission to ITobate of WtlL PURSUANT TO AV OEDFri OT SAID Conrt In aid matter, notice It hereby snTen.thal feturday, the loth day of Jinu ary.A. D ISfU at lu o'clock a. nu, at the Cvanty Court House in Mlt I ke City. Utah Ttmtory. in the Conrt Kootn of taid Court, hat been appointed the time and place fr the bearing of a petition of Isaac )! U ad Jell, prajinj: for the admission to probate ot a certain docu ment therewith pn tenled, purnonlmr to be the last Will and lesiamcntot Uilliam How ard deceased, when and where all persons Interested mar apiear ard o ot tne pro-bale pro-bale of taid will, or the pranueff of letlert testamentary to 1 saac M. addellt prayed for In taid petition. In wninett whereof, I baTe hereunto set my band and aflUed the teal of taid Court, this STih day ot December, A. D Io. lt! C. L. AL-LX. Clerk ot the ITobale Court. BrCt. STiXTOv, Deputy Clerk, d id NO l ICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE. NOTICE IS IILnEIlV OI EV Til T, IN pursuance of an order of the ITobate Court in and for salt Lake County, Llah Terrltorr. made on Ibe :ltn day of tectm. ber, Inyo, in the matter of the etute otu. . rotter, deceased, and alto by and nnder the powers conferred on them by the tail will and tetument ot taid drceated. the undersigned, the executors of and trntteet under taid last wilt and lesu m.m win tell at tirirate tale, to the highest bidder for cash, and subltct to confirmation by said l'robate Court, all the right, UUe. inlerest and es-Ule es-Ule of the said . V. o.ter. deceased .al ibe time of hit death, and all the light, title and lnterr-t that bit esute has br operation of law or otherwise acqqjred other than or in addition lo that ot the taid M.W. totter at the time of hit death, and also all the right, tit-e and interest which the undertitned may bate under taid will as such trustees, in and to that certain lot. Eiece or parcel of Und. annate and ting In the city and connty of t-alt Lake. Utlb Territory, bounded and described at follows, commencing at the southeast corner ot lot six (5) In block tixly fire (6). in plat A." alt Lake City turier. and running thence north sixty (6 ) fret, thence west lorty two and e hall (, feet, thence south tlxty (Si) feet, thence east forty two and one r-alf (fi't) feet to the place of beginning. Veiled biiu in writing will be received for taid property addressed to the under-tigned under-tigned or either of them. I? "re of Iwuc 31? W aIdelL Atorn-T. and II r att lint :nth sireeLsall Lake County. Lt.bTer ntory. ! W and Including ealurday. Jann arr KUi. l9Lafier which day taid properly will be sod Terms and cundltioot cash. and ubjt to confinuaUon by aaid rru bate Court. OKO u.,, lllLIIALDSMlIH, rxecntort and Trn-leet under the Utt wl 1 and tVsument of V. . 1 osier, di ce ted SK.-hP 1S. Bl OBIIER OF THE COUNTV COUIJT of all iJke liunly. Territory "f Luh, sealed bidt will be rrcelrcl bribe connlyderknpto and including Jannary ib. 11, for sui pliet lo be f umlhtd -til Lake County from lebruary I.lSJl.lo Jan oarr 1 ItB. l ne louowlng wil form ine oasis lor uius for records elc, lo be furnished the re cordrt office. Moruage records, CuO paget, with mar final rnllng. Deed recorda without marginal ruling. 3Iintng records, same at the deed records. rec-ords. Lien anl leases same aa deed records Abstract record, tame as now used Direct an lreTcie indexes lo all except the abstract rec rd. llcttUMik feet 9 Inches br 1 foot n lo che. of Um drafting paper for making plait tn 1 In lex lo tame. (.rtnlorandgrjnlec indexes. Kntrrtfck. a used In Ibe oOce, w,.h ttnb mbooktof 10-0 each 31ining abstract recorda and direct index to tame. , . M tone of these records hare primed forms, and the amount can b cdelennioed only at the records are ordered Uecordsaretobebound. lull UustUeir cult -hub bands with ?oom .anvaa corert ant Uuetta corners, 11 it oentng back. ltper to tc Rrown't 49 pound meilnin lenger paper. "1-t.- Illcet lo be giver on recordt ruled and print d, and on rulel Alsnjor the recorder't office, letter beads and envelopes pr thousand. Lnvel ie Not. S and 10. k No. I, rag, with return card printed Ibcreon. roii Tim cuixectob' ornct. SVwotix notices. U ux receipt liooks. IUOj Idler heads and envelopet , same at abore. IOE THE CLERK OmCL Becord bookt same at above, except that they shall be of &0 paget each, and without with-out canvat evert. Probate blanks, printed on IS ponnd tuperfliieflalcappar.orof equal grade. Hoof eacblobelurnthedonordei. Dixju and tabert ocUgon penal per per grott Ink per duren quarts. Letter he ult and envelopes, per 1000. at All tuppliei to be furnished at called for. A bond f r faithful performance of con tract. In such tnm at the county Court iniy determine, will be required of ihetuecest-ful ihetuecest-ful bidder. , ,. C- E. Allei. Conrty Clerk. SaLT LAKE Cirr, Dec 27, ltf. JOHN 1 CANNOV, ATTORN H -T LAVT. 4J MAIN ST. Hooper ttdredge block. bllEPUtl), (.'ItOiE i MIEIMKH, Xj-LTJCYIIItS- Roomt.HandM Watatch nuilding. Exit I Lake City. A Wonder Worker. Mr. Frank Huffman, a young man of Burlington, Ohio, states that he had teen under the care of two prominent physicians, an I uted theirtrvatmentunlll he wai notable to get arounJ. They i renounced his case lobe Coniumi4ion and Incurable. In-curable. He was persuaded to try Dr. King's Xew Discovery for Consumption, Con-sumption, Coughs and Colds and at that time wis not able to walk acror s the street without resting. He fcund before he hid used half of a dollar liottle, that he wis much better; he continued to ue It and Is today enjoy en-joy Ine gol health. If you have any Throat, Lungor Chest Trouble try It. We guarantee atIfirtion Trial lottie free at A. C Smith A Co.'s Drug Store. s Electric nitlera. This remedy is becoming so well kuown and so popular aa to need no special mention. All vrko have used Electric Bitters sing the same songof pnle. A purer medicine does not exltand it is guaramet-ii to do all that Is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the Livir and Kidneys, will remove Pimples. Bolls, Salt IUieum and other affections cautcd by Impure blood. Will drive Malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all Malarial feerc ror cure of Headache, Constipation and ln-digestiou ln-digestiou try Electric Bitters En tire sitlsfaction guaranteed, or nuney refunded. Price 50 cts. and $1 00 per bottle at A. C. Smith it Co.' Drugstore. 5a Many t poor Maiiianutreni nnlold Torlnrs from llaek telle. If she only knew how easily she could get relief by utlng Ballard's Snow Liniment she would bless the day she read these few lines. It is a grand remedy for Head ic'ie and all Neuralgic Pains. No pain can withstand its imgie influence. It removes the. Jire from a I urn or scald In one minute. It will cure Inflammatory Rheumatism and Sciatica; applied to the Throat and Chest In Croup it will give immediate immedi-ate relief and mVie breathing much easier. No faniilt can be without it ifoncethey know Its value. TryiL Price 50 cents. Sold by Z CM I. 3 Consumption. Italians' llorrlioiinU Syrop. No single disease has played such sad havoc with the human race as Consumption. No other Ui-ease appaiaches so stealthily. Its early smptomsre Ignored because it is thought only a Cold or hacking Cough, which is neglected until this grim monster has such a hold that nothing btitdeath can relieve IL Ballard's Horehound Syiup has removed re-moved the grip of this grim monster from mant a throat. If taken In time it aill give surprising relief. Try its soothing and healing virtues. Do not put it off until too late CM. I., Agents. S II Hie- l.aperlrnee r 'liillllil.lrs f intelligent ieople that a per scveriiigiiseof Dr. D i id Kemirdj V FaonteRenieiiy,of Roudout,N. V. will cure Fcer and Ague, Billious-ne-ss, Rheumatism, Debility of the stomach, Bowel, Kidneys and Bladder, and all dUoniers nrL-ing from an impure state of the blood, when no other medicine or treatment treat-ment lias been of any trm.iuent beiiefiL lllltm. Anstrall a ll-rl. 4 Ifi.u arc Yellow. liilm u !l..VeJwIthHidatn a Irowsy, no Hjij-etlti-, J .' v Liver Is out of order. One l x Jiese Pills will drrre all tile tn cl . eway and make imer Ix-Ing of y Price 25 cents Zlon Co-op Meet Irnt. Drug DerL. Agtnt d Carload Packard Organs jut re-cclved re-cclved at Vunn; V.rot i M iln St. C osnltation and Examination Free. fcsfiRM? ' SPECIALIST. Diseases of Women a Specialty. Ofllre ami IioMeiMv: St. Jamo Holrl; KiMims and 10, MAIN tTSECT. DfL Mocir i iiEunvx, ;eumn Itn tlctjn ani -ant eon, iTtTuUr praJ naic of iInlKl clionU tn tontf, Ule a ruUDt -oirrun id I.ninco iIoti-il and Ot n.jtcn tn Trtnc4 Uiin, fcante, -arjreon in Chief to drTrtilIeiTaTrTnU In Turtrj anl taroj?, has ?u1j li-hcl an (&c it hL Jamn Uo.ci. i:onnii s and 1. Main Mrcct, for th:cneriIpraUrc of medicine anl nr pery.iinJ tril urrrtullr treat all ili-ean-s du tnnttvr nf how loog UDJin;. nor by what phTafcun civen u. lie nuke a vcr 1 tjtif rnrinjr Jul female di I teiy tocrct(al lu chilcbirtli Cnruntr crM bt i rhen a im, ciUrrb, Itrer anl fbmacb rouplaintii, Ujc worm ami conTU(ion )ile.aii jm all Siln and nerrc difca- dniT tonior and eanrer, dirM- of the no-e.eir, eye. mouihand thrrwt. refer of all kind MonmKhl j cared. Coau ptton cniirclf carrd b a new mWhod. llpar tiebarinsany iii-ase whrb ha bfromw chronic, a d wh hare beeu jnrrn nbr titer phy ficuiif jtr-aidconu.t l-r Utrrjyj' Ir Her aa mak a a fjieruity off aj .' IJtobslrom lbe M r-tted )!-itki Jff ,"1 of ic-rlAifc. A!l.aUeaWriMIin dentUI. Speak irn h.ju OFFICE H0URS9f a.m., 2 to aga-f-1- nltatioa and EiaminaUon Free. TtUphon No. i COULTER &SNELGROVE, THE SVItT I1J MUSIC DILVIiEKS, Desire to tar u all trath last tlej have Us Largest Stock of Musical Goods in eta iti rnus-cisci ran iuhom stso OEirmi, Trr.HTr.rt.i aqcxts ion Tnc ESTEY OMARS -235,000inuse We have tho Best and Largest .sorent of MUSICAL GOODS within 700 Miles of Salt Lake City. Coalter & Snelgrove, 7--0L X-.XT 3rl?H.3:3H,X, XXTTTT r"33a MOUNTAINEER OVERALL. rr IS THE BEST. THE PEOPLE HAVE NOJSB For Sboes Hade of Split Leather, with Canvas or Paste Beard Inner Soles Solomon Bros.' Boots and Shoes! iihlcli are are Made or Solid Material andarttnoTin lo IieMtvandllaTalilr Call and Examlno tlie Varioa Styles of Our Own MaVe und Imsortt-' Honest Goods I Fair Prices I Always Reliable ! Kone Better in the lartei AH Kinds of Dressing Bold for ISIai-fc or Tan Colored Shoe. Don't forget the 3EXTI? Drtjjlng fer GenU Udies. Wlts 'hlldrrn'i Shots, which Halts the-n tcoi liia Nf. BROWNING BROa 155 S. Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. 2461 Washington Avenue, Ogden, Utah. .j MMkUm i Guns, Mfles, Pistols, immiinition And Sporting Goods of Every Description. Wo havo a Carload or SXJFJEY BlCYCXass, All Slzos. Wo offor a Boys' Safety 24 Inch for S25.00; Largo Boy's 27 Inch for S35.00; Ladles' and Men's 30 Inch, S45.00. CALL IN AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK. ' Illustrated Sporting Goods Catalogue Free to AIL CLOAK SALE I Cloak Sale Cloak Sale CLOAK SALE! -H.3 !.? SZa Cloak Sale CLOAKS Cloak Sale Cohn Brosi, Cloak Sale Cloak Sale Every Plush Gar- ment in our Stock at 33 1-3 per cent less than former prices. Braided Cloth Wraps 25 per Cloak Sale cent beiow cost. Cloak Sale Every Variety of Cloth Jackets at actual act-ual manufacturers cost. Cloak Sale AU Misses' and Children's QJoak Sale j lfVl" .--Ir. .--? - JJ5 cents on thfji doilar. Ladies' Tea Gowns below cost. s Cloak Sale We have jost 4 Real Alaska 01odTale Seal Jackets left. Thoy cist before tho rise in seal, S80 OlV S83.00, S100.00 and S!2a3-They S!2a3-They are today wotUk'-O per cent more, bat catTbe bought at the abovajfces faring this " 0 P ClOcikSaleLl oioak Sale Goiin Bros,) Cloak Sale CLOAK SALE! QloakSale CLOAE SALE! CLOAK SALE I H. DINWOODEY'8 I HOLIDAY I PSESEVTS- I BOTH Hl USEFUL AND OMAMENTAL H 003JP-E2:SI-VO- H ildren's Iron Wagons, Bronze Statuary, H Table Chairs, Pastel Crayons, H Walking Chairs, Brass Easels, H Folding High Chairs, " Card Receivers, H Stick Horses, " Stands, H Willi On jx Tops; H RockingHorses. picticg H Sprina Horets. A nlce UBe' ,Be:,u8 p"t"i i,H ' " Ste.IEngntings.l-aina-gt.Etc; H Sleds, , H Parlor Cabinets, H Wheelbarrows, V a neauufui un: H Ironan d noodlNewSITlet? . .. H IMirrors, H Velocipedes, Vadies. Desk3 H Cupboards, An-ndlusTarletr; H Doll Carriages, BowComfoits, Swings, " lows, Patent Rockers, Bed Comi.i H " Elephanf'Shoonys" Folding BeisTifefc H Toy Cradles, atra rmc :Sjb H Toy Rocking Chiirs, Brass Bedsteads, efesH Toy Cupboards, Fancy Chairs, H Tbe Largett and Finest Assort B Nice WOOlMalS, meat otis-crC-alrs ever seen U H All Colors Ltah. H Imported Rugs, Corner Writing Desks, H elellajheitnanj Aljcii.n, Somct-lnsNcw. H Music Racks, Corner Cabinets, Newspaper Racks, and SideChina Closets, H Brackets, Dining Tables and Sideboards. WITH AN IMMENSE VARIETY OF H r UiiiNii uji OF -T.X EjXIS-. M SUITABLE FOR THE H OOTTA&E OR THE MJsrsio-sr " H AND AT LOWEST PRICESI JM isBBBBBBBBBBBBt! n. jjiinuujjji 37 to 43 W. First South St... -H '7jlil.,'C J c JOvV oRiisssssssssi MUST HOW TO C00.TA ROASTQUITEIwelLv MH m THAT'5V,MrALL DO.NOT KNOWl ,s- T i THE nRST"THINGrl5nra'6ET YOUR iYlEAT AH V AND THENUHE'FIRTMU5rGL0W: . lM DONT SPOIL THE"MEAT;aND,WA5TE JHEIFJRD 11 rut umc AipC fi -i i n. , t yjk ' 11 PUi ON tYULR rangeAnd'roastswilta IH SETTER THATJ e'ER BEFORE I i lM sxz --oTr yy.A.Tsr-' s sect PiH Buy the CHARTER OAK, lM FOE S5.l 3T "lHH Z. C. r.1. 1., Sole Agents in Salt Lake City F- CQOP.FUBNITURECO. W DEALERS IN . M msm MPffi m 0 UPHOISTI-RY. l-l MAIN STREET. . SALT LAKE CITY. ?H |