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Show FIRE AT OO'DEN. A Two Thonsand Hollar Bltie at the Jtiprtloc City. About 7:30 o'clock lost night the fire alarm bell from box 21, corner of Grant and Twenty-fourth, rang au alarm and the department was ready for work In an instant. Turning Turn-ing donn T en!y-fourth,the engine and hose cart reached the bos and found everything all right and were ordered back to the house, as Chief Rhodes coniddered that the bett thing to do. As tho vicinity of the City Hall was readied the boys saw a large blaze on tho bench. The animils were w hipped up and it did not tike long to reach the fire, which was on the corner of Mon-rje Mon-rje Avenue and Twenly-fouith Street, and confined ( tbo bull lings of William Garland, the Hear Iliver Canal contractor, flic run was a very heavy oue and tlie horses were I nreltv well blown trhen they reached thcKXi";oneenglneanInial, which has been allium for some time, had a hard time to get there at all. l!y the time the heso could be attached and water turned on the house was a mass of flame", but the boys worked bravely; two of them, under the direction of tho chltf, stood iuslJo the burning building and prevented the lire from spreading spread-ing to the back rooms. Several narrow escapes from filling timbers were experienced, but tbo firemen held their 011 aud toon the blaze was Uhder control, but not befcre it bad tstillv destroyed the front rooms, uied as oHlces, a largo number num-ber of sets of haraejs, office fixtures andacouut books. A larje crowd of people assembled assem-bled auf, as usual, hindered the free use of the here, despite the efforts of sevtral policemen. For a long distance around residents begin be-gin pilms theirlurnlture out ln the street, preparatory to a general cou-fiazration. cou-fiazration. Ween asked why the al-.rm fmm box '1 had sounded. Chief Khodes said he had since ascertained that alatms had been sent iu from bin 31,31 and 3 by persons who saw the large bltzs above the trees and tlie three had eouuded as No. Si at the fire hall. List night aftir the department had beeu safely l.ou e 1. a Slumlord reporter accompanied Chief Ithodes to t'.ie s.-er.u of the fire on a tourer Inspection. Mr. GtrHnl's chief clerk vrr.3 f und, nn I rtnt.-d tint the loss wou.-J cm -tint to about rOJJ. Thu buiiJing and contents carry S3.03J insurance, but aj only abaut half tlie ttrui-tare was dVstroyed, the gentleman will la-e a little. A large frame dw ailing house which Is about twenty feet fr-jtu tlie burned building was saved by tho hard work of the fire boys. The chief thinks the city should purchase a chemicvl cnlue to bo used lu tSJa of small fires lu lt-nets lt-nets blocks. The cost Is small si. a year's time is always given. At oue fire the worth of the machine ould easily Le saved, where the fiimes had not got tao much headway. head-way. Sametinie Curing tlie prt Jent week a gentleman representing one of the largest chemical engine bouses In the world will Lo in Og-den Og-den to sec about making a sale. OgJcn needs an engine of this character; every large city hss them. Sfandartf. |