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Show Nolrt Kiosi lllilnrir. The dally mall, which we obtained largely through the friendly itrvlcil of Delcgato L'atnr, while lu Waihlng-ton Waihlng-ton In the early aprlng, cornea to ua In a"lM.llrd"fuhlon. Tho Wawtth county mall (Hi ber, Midway, Charlie-ton Charlie-ton and WalUburg tlng the recipient onicrej geu 10 me couniy rcaiauoiii a o'clock eaili afternoon from Park Clly. Altlieblgrailernand wealern inalla reach that city at 10-90 a. in., we have brrn thinking thai Ihe null contractor would do will to get 'a move on" a llttloearllir, aud Initial of walling around In the Park until the afternoon, trap Uncle Ham 'a mall bag to Ida lUgu aud leave the camp at an hour that would inalle him to reach Mr, Duncati'a headquarter a at audi a thnn aa woul f give our rural mall carrier th" optottuiilty to go around the "aub urban oilier, In thealteruoou. Midway baa alwaja been a aolld I'vopla'aity" ilnce I have known It. Thuajnu may ium that tho action ac-tion of the Territorial Central commit, tee on June luili left uirud lerliaa, un-helmed un-helmed and dtiruaited Hut not ao. Thecltlteua till me that they remein. lorqullowell the rluclplea for which they thought, fought ami brought Ihrlr voire local relf govrrtimt lit, iquil rlghU and Intellectual dovefopmrut, teuiivrrd by moral realralnt. I'ho In habftauta of Midway will therefore Boon know which of Ihe two great national na-tional partita they refer lo ad hern lo, Polaloea aro looking well, there will l a large crop of them and a flue quality, alMja good jlelj of wheat, for the Ktludlug uf which litter com. modliy tbo Van Wagrneni are atiout to fit uii a now mlit mill, and 10 MVe oui local fanner thu trip lo the roller mill at llebrr. Home acreage haa leu t laulod In tbn augar I crU, althtush with our geu gtaphlcaliltuatioti It la not to hu ex-ivcted ex-ivcted that our laruicn win do much In furulihlng raw material for the Iieht augar worka, itrungly aa they are Impreaard with the great utility of that great eelabllihiuenl. The hiallh of Uie aople here, like Iho iiiii, li bright, with a few ita. There wo call "muni" juil now. They are not fatal, of courie, but latin r Inconvenltiib The ( hurtli aorlellca am reorlnl doing a good work, ami tbo prhate irhool in the public athool houao la met 111 going on. The rMintlder health reiort, with n largo hinge lth of thu big mound mineral wattr, ll lo laj npened thli wttk. The ''boya" will aoun ritlre to the can) on to cut llmbtra for the loluee. Alining operation! aro Ulng ;roo-cuted ;roo-cuted quli tly but wriliteully by men of grit. You will )il husr uf atrauge uri rlMa from IheHiiake crevk ilUfrht. Jlldtn Moroni (li-tltr and (luttfrlinl lluehlrr aru uihliigthe theological rlaui a along. Thire'i nothing later about the wattr worka, although the wattr nm. tluiiialuilld. I.liilllllll, MiiiWay, Waiatch county, Utah, Junolo.ltUI. |