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Show OHIO KKPULICANS Hold an roltiualattle KUta 1'onimtloii At Clumlpti-I Mck'ltlrr for (.'omiur. thc oncATNcas or oun scene TARY or OT.TC, OLAItlC. Slck'lnlei'a SpHcHt "tin ll-piitillcan Inrlyhlilglit rpmiElery (Jjf.llua." ' I' Tetmeia UlaaKaira.l THE lllllll Cint-AlU. The neat a'lllleaMii Ike llltlar r Cul.UlltMII, Ohio, Juuo 1ft. Tho moat 1 rlllcal campaign In the hlttory of Dlilo iwllllca i'pciic-1 liwlay, wbeu Ibei Ravel Ml nil una of thuinoit en-Ihuiliatln en-Ihuiliatln lteiubllcnti ritatn conven-lloua conven-lloua the llnckeyo cMuinouiriiltli hai over known. a The Importance of the rrriiltot thla campaign, not only to the, Htata but lo llio nation, la fully readied, and all thn davlna known to niojem pullllca will Ini eieitad by laith amea to win a larnrvdo verdict from llio o lo No. vcml-riiiiU It waa arrangeil eaily thla morning, that there iliould lie iiodlaputeover organltitliiu, Urn. Aaa rt. Ilualinull of Hprlngllvbl waa uiunlmiualy da-clde-i on aa rtnatieul chairman. Thutlrand Oira liouae, which hai tieentlieacaneuf (lining pnlltlcal cun ventloua for y.ari, waa la-iutllully decoml'd Willi Dili and bnnllng, tue tiallotiat colon being vnnaidruom every where uikiii UieaUge. A large plctuie of McKluley waa auipended uvi r Hie clialrniaii'a place. Il waa arranged that Hie convention inould occupy two daya. Thla forenoon fore-noon waa devote 1 to the ineitlug of thevarlotia Coiignaalonal ilelegatlotia and tho aelecilou of a no a Htato Can tral committee, ami ccnimlllece on credentlala, on rewlutlona and organ), aatloui. H'KINI.KV AlltllVKU alut noon. Although tho tcmira tine waa away up In thu iitiiitlie, a tliouund men lurne.1 out and marchtd tollitatloil lognel lilm. MrKliiley waa eacotted lo hla car-rlaga, car-rlaga, and the nurcli lo Hi Nell lioue began. Along the eatlru dlatance, neatly a mile, aldewalka were literally IatkedwithtiFoile. On rtachlnj tho lotel, McKluley retired to the ilor, where lie waa Joined by rjherman, For-aker For-aker and othera It waa after o'clork before Ilia del-egatea del-egatea I'eiiaii to gather. At eiaclly 11 1. M. King, chairman of the Mate central ooinruttue, called thu ounven Hon to order. HaldalilUitelo Win. McKlnlry. which waa loudly npf laud. ' cd. Col. Nevlu waa thin Introduced aa temporary chairman. Tho weliome which ltobtrt M. Navln received from two tbouiand chirring Ohloaua gave evidence) that the cantral commltleai bad made no mlitake lu Hie aelecilou of a teuirary chairman of Ilia convention. Tlilicouvcntlou," laid the chair. mio,"wlll make a litatory In thla great amiimiitiaeallh. It liadl'tlngulahoj honor to bo a delegate bi Hiiaoinven Hon, It la an honor to lt a niemUr of the Itepubllcau patty, and aa audi to he entitled to a aharn of Ita glory and adileveuiaiila. Applaua. Willi regard re-gard to all the great niKuurra It liaa near advocated, our pally alauda today where It liaa alwaya atood, Willi noth lugtorcglet, to eaplaln, or npotogtie for. It alanda upon Hi old platform", true In Ita allegiance lo every I lliiclplo It liaa ever eiiunelali-J." Cotillnulnc, the ipvaker arralguol the Democrallo Hlata kdmliitatrailon and IcilalaluiM for Ita record of the mat two yeara and Ualdce denouncing the gerrymander of tho Hlat made repeated attacka at (.lovernor Campbell and till oftlclal acta. After K.SIWIUIKCI rituuncNT iiAiintiox andHpeaVer llet-l, bo nidi "Hut not to tin e -.lone la all llio glory. There itmid Uioii thn lloor of the Houao of lleproaeutatlvta the chairman of III wnya and tneaiia iviuuilllee, a mill whoeoeclvtceiUolnot need (hoinenlloii of hla name. Linked with that act that la btluglng today and aa juata go by will bring a Kreauriueuure of I'rveittlly lo the Auierlean laxiida and America, Hie mail who hiving led uioulh lloor of that llouaa lo Ih auptnrt of uvrry Important mrnauie an 111,1 rokrn column of llei'ibUi-ane, will lit) cbteii bv acclamation tomorrow to lead the ltq-ibllcan licala if Ohio to victory, thla fall, William McKlnley, Thla wai rrrolvid with great en. H1uala.n1, Continuing the ipeaker, aid: "I med aay nothing about our candidate for governor, he II already chnwn. If the Democrati were III no-cord no-cord and liarmouloiia, If they atwal foot to fuolnud alioulderloahiulilerlii the nght thla Ull, atlll with William MoKinhy, Jr., aa nur leader and nulled aawatarethey mint go down; 'butdlaorganltedoudbrokuii. with the Campbell faillmi ami the Nell faction and tho Dark Horn, faction. Hie quel. Hon la not, will .McKlnley bo ideute.IT but bow mu,h will lw hla inajorlly?" Tlieeutiiualaaui of the ouaveutlon fouud full vent In the ratification of partl'in thruata of Chairman Nevln and lu approving Ida eulogy of Itepub llran leadere. At the concliialon of hla nddreii Nevln ealdl"At:dat the right hand of thu l'reildeiit aim Jan man that fur keen lutellMt, broad laiiamanahln and devotion tu Ameri can Inteiiaii and American prcgrcee, la the pr of auy man who ever lived, who llvel today or ever will live JAVIta II. llhAINK. The name of lllalue waa never beard by the convention. Utile, by llltleai the iieroratlon reached lu height, the andler.cu caught tho Infection and from general haud-clapplug, aj.plauae ileveloi'i-d liilo one mighty roar that ahook the building. Man ahoutod theiuaclrealioaraoaiid women lived their lane, while a Hiouaand volrea over and over again repeated In lima. leal ohoiua "lllalue, 1 lalne, lilaluu." After epHlltiuont pf thn couimltleea tho convention adjourned until to. innrriw morning. The vveulng waa devoted to recep. tlona. . Mncoln cluli teiidered a receM Hon to Major Mo Kluley, which wai attended by a large crowd, lucludlug the leading lUpiilllcana of thn Htalr. Hnialor H.i. rmaii nude a brief iprecli and waa followed by McKlnley, who milted all ovation when he aniav, Hoiialiirrthernwu having limlatnl Hut "Iha next Uoxruor of Ulilo"iboull l.o't iiak. M'irixt.itr'a avncii. McKlnle)' luliliaprerliaild,lllairtl "Liingralu!ale)fcU tonight dial Hi Itej'Ut-llcaii uty of today, like thn Ik'publlcan imriyof tho t, la right upon uvrry quctttun coiHt,rnlng the urlfaten! the AmerlRin ravplo. It la right upon iveiy onv an.i I care not what lue yen make, whither It I ftiund currency lor llio American j-jile, j-jile, a protective tarlll to promote Amrilcaii liiiluatrlca, llbirnl tnialotn, ur wlulever It la-. Iha republican parly leada today, la It liaa alanyi hil tho ailvanre-l thought of the Amerlc.itf peotle; ami the llepubltc.111 t-irly In-night In-night tan look lorwurd with hopoaud aollatlou. I hove nllneutd to lay the htrgeat ainemblige of Obto ltepubbcana that ever met In the Htnlc. Their carnm and entl.uitullo facta ihow that they mean bualmaa, ami a lleibliciu victory vic-tory In Ohio, 1 w ant hi lay lo you to. Iilgbl that we have not waged a political politi-cal I1-1UI0 for twrnty-rire )eara Iraiight Willi grmtrr lnivitinc than thla yrar'x. It meaua everything lo the republic, ticrwini It uitiiiaevaryHiluz to llio Iteiibllmn inrly, which la cloHly telaual to the wiliarv of Hie re public" Major McKtuler than went on to eulgltoHi-rikir lUcl'i wntk of laat Congnar, etc., and itaakliigof thn aa aertluiii of the Democrat! that they ate going lu repeal Hie Urlll bill, lie Hid: "They d.ir not touch one. lino of It. fur every Ilim of II la Anieilcin. They may try It, but )0U will have It on your itatui tnoka when boya of eleven ahall I I iteaty-oiiii and ready tu vote. Prolonged applauaisl Vnu hive not heard a word about McKlnley prlcea allien the laat ilrcllon. All 1 aak of Olilan la that every man w rile nn Ida Ullot what lie Ihlnka, and If lie will do that there wilt b no end lo llio re jaibllcan inajorlly In Ohio." i:i.(loveriHir Forakrrii-okernlhual. aallcally of the coming Hepubllcan lucceai In Ohio. Tho committee on rraolullom waa In leubin Ulllll lain tonight. There waa much dlavuaalnn over tho money and Ihelarlirqueetbiiiiaud II will probably tie a couipromlan on belli They were referred lu a iiib-tomtnltltas The reao. lullfilia, ao far aa agreed UJhiu, dn. nount llio recent Democrallo leglala-luiefcr leglala-luiefcr fatally lo plrJgre, luroinio. teiicy, ektravagaiicc; for Hie election lo the L'nlUd Hlalti Heinle of a "flnaiiclal nculator and uoii-rraldent of Ohio who had nothing to ci'niiuand him for Mill honor but Ida money;" for unaeatlng without reiaon Hie legally rlerlrd Hepubllcan lleulenanl governor In obtnllencn to adectrnofa ltty raucua; for Cougreaalonal gerry ma tide n, etc. |