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Show Orient ami Occident. At the laat meeting of the Wrttcrn Unitarian conference, hel I lu Chicago tot month, the cotmullteo ou educating women for tlie nilnlitrywa continued endcibortod to work diligently. The conference deilarwl there a ml neeil of tuch educate-1 wonieu In tlie Unltaiitn inlnlatry, aud tlicviumlttc wat rwiuetted canicelly lo lay the matter mat-ter before tho dlflerrot churche In the organlullon, that all rnlglit hare Liiowb edge of tUU need. It thua team there are two denomluatlona bealdoe Quaker and I'rleiida who welcome women I readier, au 1 thote aro the Unlvrrullit aud Unitarian. Womeu who Ulleve theinaelvit called to preach can boor-daluod boor-daluod In thee two chun.hr, thenfore, It will be ttrange If tome of them do not leave the olher connection! and Join Uuiaeelrca to three. Hut meanwhile, while Amerlcau Unl-tarlana Unl-tarlana are oanieatly exliortfng educated and eloquent women to become lulnlt-tert, lulnlt-tert, olncrre whtt tboae line old Unila-rlana, Unila-rlana, the Ilrahrolnt of India, are doing In regard to IhU tame woman question Pandit Biianalh cluutrl lcdured la Itajahitv-ndry, thortly bofore the Chicago Chica-go Unitarian conference joaacd IU reao-lutlon, reao-lutlon, and devoted muih aceto the tat. lie declared that women were tht flahboui lu tho Hindoo throat "We cannot get them up or twallow them." If thli bualneaa of f emtio education waa not ttopped he woul 1 not bo rctponalblo I for tho eoutotrueucre. He oaed tho lime worn do-yuu want-your-dtugbttr- 1 to-marry a-nlggcr argument with odinlr- ! able effect at followai Oalr Iblbk of til Three bto-tred raart beer, In a larre raeetlDt Ilk tbui, rvu will nul j Ore! ewe ak.be Ilka Uidar, bet half of Ibe aa. armllr will be rai4la. on will tbeufiait foar wife all al lb aaiae table wlUi you. Are I tea iecbw4 fvr tbtir |