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Show The llaalm IWnleal llelaaeen Kllraln nn-l Klaalil. New VuliK, Juuo 10. The long ilia ruaaed boilng tvnleat between Jake Kllrahi uf llalllmnri-, and Frank Hlavln of Auatralla, fora f ln,im) t-urae, lieik ptacn tonlglit at thn club liouannf (Jranllo Alhlaticaaruclallon, Hoboken, Hlavln waa declared winner lu llio iilntf rnuild, The club liouae waa not a vcty tump luoue one and the allendaucv wai nut qulliiptoetiectatlon. A Inrgeiiuin UI of well-known iorli wern there. Thn men alo wrie very lata coming Inbi Hie ring and aa tbrru w era no pre. Ilmliiaty ijrrlnir mucin, thn audi puin grew yny Impatient. Finally, at llltuu'cl'ick, thu cnnb-alatila came lu. Jem Duuu waa referra-, John Nelly waa lime keeai; Muldooii, Clrarr and Murray wete Kllraln'a aerumla, and Mitchell, 1I. Htnddard and Cony Moore acta-d fur Hlavln. The glovia wern four Mince. Time waa called all I :! o'clock, and Hlavln lm-mediately lm-mediately Ugati i llinilvo wolk, ami alter a clinch commenced a lerilbt iaiuiidlug on Kllraln'i rlU juat ha- ow Ibriiearl. Jakr,thuugliwrakeneJ, niadea grand tally, and gave Hlavln hard blowa right and left. Clinch up on clinch followed anil Hie round end ol In favor of Kllralu, h getting III a rlb-ruiuitur on thn Aiiatralhn, 1 11 the locum! ruund clinch woik began be-gan at'oncai and again did thn Ana-Iraliaii Ana-Iraliaii l.iund away uu Kllralu'a lit, hla blowa Ulug alckenlug. Whin the men eoparalvd Jako imuiiic.1 th oIretl live In a gallant manlier and banged Hlavln on tlio Inad heavily Willi Ida right aud lelu After another clinch and more rlb-roa'ttug, Jake lauded a right-hander 011 HUvin'a link, a aiialng liliutu whirl half around. Jake followed fol-lowed thla up with terrific right and hit facer., and the round widi.l lu bla favor. In llin third round after a light In tercbauge, Jake weni for rilavlu aaln and hammered him to th-roae, but Hill M-rmed the end nf hla itrelighl, for aoon after, Hlavln allot uut hla light, caught Jake under the rar, ami down hu went Ilk a log. He manage.! man-age.! to ilaggtr to bla feet, tail It wai evident hla atra nglh waa gone. After another rllncti lio receive.! another lenlble blow which felled hint lo Hie alaje aalntully and Inaeualhlo. Jake mauaged to ibagger to hla knee and the gum aaved hiuu . Tbefuiirlli round hai barely oncd when down lie went again. Titian ler rll.ln liratt blowa hail nvllenllydonu their woik; Jakewaauutof It. Illiwd waa Murliii( from Ida novr, which rt4 aaldlo bu broken, and Ihle, comblneil with ihuwateron boUi inen'aboiilti, male them borriblo looking bbjecta. Four Hmca dbl, Jake go to graaa In Hila riaind, but ha rallied, although Iheie waa uu force In Ida bloa,whlln Hlavln waa full ufatrengtli and cunli lencr. Highland lilt iiaiidrre wile ihuaered upon Kllraln, wliua only thaucn of uylug leu roundi waa by clinching, end In doing tlila he waa lurntomeat rlh rua.llng. lu the llflli ruuud Jakelinded to-anlelly to-anlelly oil the Aiialrallan'a head without re.ult, and auuu anothi r terrl ble right -hauler aunt lilni down and iirarlyi-ut lilm bi ilrep. One Hlavln bad Jaki-ln bla(Hluvlu'a) curlier In a laiddlnuf water and wai about lu pound lilni there, when llefureu Djihi Inter ferad. The Aiiatrallan Irlial bi pu.li Dunn nude, but thu riferru Inal.tid and the gong gave Jake aiiolhtrUaae of life. Iiithoilitli round Ihei weiumoiu elliirbriaml agalu thoeedreadful body blowa la-neatli Kllralu'a heart. Jakn leenied bi pick up a little and lauded a nratupia-ri-ul lienratli Hlavln'a Jaw, Uit In thn clinch which followed hu ngaln auirrred mvaroly. Jako wai lit-tlu lit-tlu more Ihan a rhorplui; block for the Aiutrallau, aud had It not been that Loth men weiedrlplng with water and tbilr hanl rial leather glorea were allj'1-lng, Hlavln'a blowa would havu Itnl.liul JaVnUforc. Ill the evva-nlli round Hlavln no aoonir got In rauge than ho went fur Jake'a lit with Hi aamu vim 11a In Hie lllat ruuud. After briaklng away they txrbaiigtil a few Invlteclual long range blowa, which ualy further demonatialed Jike'a htlpleeaucaj. Thu l.loo'l literally murel down bla face. Home goud vachiugt-a were given, however, Jakn landing oncn falily with what leeinedlo laj a flnulellolt, which only made Hlavln nude. In thu eighth round Jaku went lu for hla anvlng clinch and throughout Hie ruuud the refrrua waa kept buay cpaiatliigthomeu. Jaku ume lauded hla lell 011 Hlavln'a hcud, lull thuru waa tin foicu lu the blow and lu the clinch which followed, lliu Aiutrallau almnat BtovnluJAl-.r'erlUe. Theanundof thu blow waa actually haard ouUllu thu clubhouao. The lyuipatliy of the majority of tha audience waa with Kllraln. who waa dying 10 plucklly, aa ii really waa Ualen lu Umarciud round. Ill tbo ninth and laat round, Jaku managed to cume tu the acratch In pretty goud ibape but after Hlavln had lauded upun lilm oncu or twice he wai agalnamaaaof blood, Ha mauiged, however, to get III good bluwa oil HUvlu'iliead, though them waa lltllu forcu In them. Finally Hlavln hit Jake a terrible lefi-hander on thu m-ck and Jake went down aa If ihot. HUH game, however, Jake iluwly and 'win-lull)' 'win-lull)' roar, reeled, aud aa the gong aounded had 10 lio carrleil lolilacurnvr, and Jem Duuu irava lliu light to Hlavln. Thua did Kllraln practically meet till laat Watarluu and aua Into the ranka ol lucuud-chue men. |