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Show .v( imiiii.mimi iNTrittinr. Tub Hotton HUM give tpac loan extended Interview with Mr. Charln I.lllt, the noted lecturer, w ho gave Iho reporter rt mi telnet account of allalrt In Utah. Wo only have tpac for a .mall inrtlonof Hi article Mr. Mill diwcanted upon the lack of Information about Iho "Mormon." among prni le In the i:.t gtnerally.ext lalned the polyg. amy quettion aa It wat, allowed that It U now teltled and how that wat done, and eiplalned the altitude of iron-"Mormont" iron-"Mormont" in regard lo tho movement, move-ment, lie then tald! "C H. me, ehlof Ju.tlc of HioTorrt-tory, HioTorrt-tory, at one aceptod the action ef the lliurch at made In goal ftltb, allhoilgh firyetr.hehtdl'een a lianh tppmienl of everything mlttlug lo polygamy. Then men wh. hat been voting with Iho local parly ajllntt Hi .Mormon! uld Ihe old atrlf thould cmwj tall they hid no rnion to believe the Mormon, were no! ilncere,audUitltwai Unit tonm I'Uli politic on nttlontl lines at wat done In evtry othtr iute ml Territory. Mtny ofthmo men hfl tlgneil a petition lo roogrot taking fir the dl.fnnchlMiiieot of all Mormon vitart In Ulih, but Hi action of the Monnun Cliurrh, nieatured by the kown honetty of Hi Monnon people, peo-ple, teUled Ihe quettlon of ilLftanehlM-meat, ilLftanehlM-meat, ant there It not a candid non-Mormon non-Mormon In Utah tojtr who doetnol tlmlltlut unlit lh government dl.lrtn-chlwe dl.lrtn-chlwe all prl.ithool., no attempt thould trlM again lo deprlvo the Mormon, of llwlr right lo Hit billot, "Hut HiU ftollng hai recti red a new rondrmttlon of Itlo II eeitttaliout In thli wlwi I'or two yntri. If I nty rtfir 1 1 my xtr, I havo been drprecallng Hi oil .trir.i that hu int to Utah au unhappy country for many yeara, and urglug Hi dliruptlon of the anU'Mornion arly. I alto urged a tlon of the Mormon Church In reference to lb qut.llcn of polygamy. Of coune, I dl I n t bring .Unit Ihe eh ange that bit come, but agitation holp. lilnf Uie Church declared Ueelt egtln.t olygainy the DemorrtU, wlw. hal beon voting for yeart with the anil-Mormon party, with-drt with-drt ar from that oriranlutloii and liunebed a Htmocnitlo pttlfo-m, an 1 are now onanltlng lUroanlwut the Terrllury. Thin lh eolld nun uf tho Hepubllcaut, who lift been Voting wllh Hi anil-Mormon anil-Mormon party, followed tultvind Itrpub-llcan Itrpub-llcan elulit are being I irineil through Ihe Teirltoty. "tthtn th Monnont aaw whtt wat being done, Hity at ouoe intl the movement move-ment half way. Tint It, they decided to abandon Ihftlr old local l'eo l'a lrly, which wat orgtnlted In I8TA in aelf-dtfeuto aelf-dtfeuto agtln.t the anlt-Murtnon, or to-cill.l to-cill.l 'Ubtnl party.' On th SPtb. of iUy th Htlt fAke county committee of tho l'eojle't party nut In tUlt UVt arul dl.bande.1. On the loth ofthlt month lb ttrrltorlal eommltteo of tho 1'cople't rty wilt moet, and I am quite tore It will dltband, and henceforth Ibe Mormon viple will vote, not aa Motmont IntelMtfenM, but it Amerl etntof the Hemocratle and Hepnbllt-tn f4llht,anll'iabwlll at la.l bo lu harmony har-mony with Ihe rett of th Union." "Hut will th anU.Motuion ttyal.o dUbtnltT "At I htv told you, lh tui.t men In It bryeirt tre already nut of lt but I thtr eltanoeleutofoinrtholdert.onice teekert and htngtra-on, liacked by the anti-Mormon ehurehet, that will hoi 1 by Iho old orgtnlullun." "You have no Idea In tbe Hail how poorly Utah ha. Imn govtrnnl at lo htr oIltlci. In ftct, tht bat never hail any Iolltlc. Ilhtttieenaehurehtgaln.tlbe ebarchet aud omcoholdtra. Tho Utah commlMlon It mado up of Ave men who gel fAOOO ch aunutlly aud travtllug eiptntet fordoing whtt bad better not It dolie,lu lrl at lea.1. Vut Inance, they have Ju.l redlttrleteil ijtah In tuch wLm at to materially aid the anll-Xlov inona In getting control of Ike legl.la-lure. legl.la-lure. Tlutdune, ihe legltlttnre will follow fol-low Idaho aud dlafranelilte the Mormon toleri. et the le.t men taiong tho non-Mormoni im Hitt tuch a tblngwould not only be etlremely un-Ju.t, un-Ju.t, but aM dltAttrout to Ihe ro.erity of the Territory, mid heiice Ihty will op It. Them will, therefore, bo .1111 In th Hell lh old anil-Mormon ptlty, but II will toon die and dltat petr." "How will Utah go when niee.ured by tbe uatlonal jurty yardiUikr1 "The general i inlon out.1 It of Utah It, 1 fin I, that Ihe Monnout are or would Ui lieutocratti but from ny rvnal kuowlodge I can tell you that many prominent men among the Mormon, are Hriubllttuit. You would be turprlaed lo find that Ihero It a better knowledge of national otltli among tho Mormon joplo thin you would lln I among tho fourth etttto of your own MttMriiuactti, Tiny will toon put Ihtm.tlvM In harmony har-mony with lh Iwuetif Hie lime, and wilt vole with a freedom, tndepiudeueo tud Intelligence thtt cannot b turpatteil tttu In New I'ngltnd Heiice 11 It a luitttrof doul t In my niln I which way Ulih woul I go were tht callvl ujun to voto tt lkmiocrtt and Htpubllean, "Hut of Hit! you inty be ture, tho eld rule of odium Hieulogtouin It deal in UUh Hit ol I tlrlfe I. golu,ii tho Terrl lory will toon bo free, au I thn we ahall have on Hit crown of Ihe contliitrl one of tlitmot Uuutlfnt aiht prnieruui com-monnetlthi com-monnetlthi of the nation " |