Show Grand Junction Salt Lake Road iF festival estival Held Heidi t I I GRAND JUNCTION Colo Cob Sept 24 JP Governor William H. H Adams and Sterling B. B Lacy former lieutenant lieutenant lieutenant lieu- lieu tenant governor were here today to participate in a 1 two-day two celebration of completion of the last link of f gravel sra surfaced road connecting Grand Junction with Salt Lake Following a street carnival this afternoon afternoon aft art I and an air circus at the airport air air- por port the feature event on today's program is the governors governor's banquet at nt Lincoln park auditorium I There will be a dedication and unveiling of monuments on the Colo- Colo Cob 1 Utah rado-Utah state line Frida Friday After the dedication services two buffalo two i elk and two steers will be barbecued barbecued barbecued barbe barbe- cued at Lincoln park I I H. H S. S Kerr chief engineer for the highway commis commission ion and K Ci C C. t i Wright ht his assistant both of oC Salt SaltI I Lake arc attending the celebration |