Show Chicago u TP Students Must Dust Learn of Own Free Will dill Without Pressure or Leave School Young Decides Smartest Freshmen to Take Part in New Teaching Teaching Teach Teach- i ing Plan CHICAGO Sept 24 UP More UP-More More I Ithan than specially selected smartest smart est freshmen were ordered to meet today to hear President Robert Manard Maynard Maynard May May- nard Hutchins outline the new system system system tem of or education at Chicago uni un- uni- uni And the command to appear was It was said about the only order these smartest freshmen are arc likely to receive durin during the first year ear of their college careers Once this meeting is over and the youths have been en told what they ar arto are areto are areto to do the rest will wUl be bc almost entirely up to them according cording to the plan which the youthful president is Introducing in introducing introducing in- in to the university Thereafter they will go to class about when th they y feel like it read the books that interest them and confer with professors when they like There Is of course a catch Under Under Under Un Un- der the new Hutchins plan the student student student stu stu- dent who docs does not make an actual and apparent advance in int Intellectual proficiency will wUl receive no credits credit Millions to help get an education but not one cent to force one one that that that thatIs Is in short the plan of the youth youth- youthful ful president The university under Ills his system will wUl furnish urI sh everything ng necessary to aid a youth in learn learn- ing The system is based primarily ona on ona ona a theory that an Intelligent ambitious youth wants to be educated and that it t is unnecessary to try to force learning learning learn learn- ing upon him The freshmen who vho arc to take part partin in the experiment will vill live In new residence halls With them will live Jive professors and prominent writers including tn- tn in including Thornton Wilder If It at the end of two years of such free Iree and easy Instruction a student has shown sho no Inclination to advance he will wUl be dropped from the school or urged to leave |