Show Will HOl BOND OND ELECTION ON OCTOBER ER 27 l Commission Passes Ordinance for Voting on Sewer Projects A resolution and md an ordinance deli deli- setting Salt Lakes Lake's un unemployment employ employ- ment relief reller bond election for lor October October Octo- Octo ber er 27 7 was passed unanimously Thursday by the city commission The amount of or bonds electors will willbe willbe I be asked to authorize is which will be used to provide the city with a general storm and drainage drainage drainage drain- drain age sewer and to increase and perfect perthe perfect per per- the present storm and drainage system The bonds will bear not more than i per cent interest and run serially f for 40 years after their date In holding the special bond election elec- elec tion ion the city will conduct five polling poll- poll ng ing places in the Second Third Fourth and Fifth municipal wards s and 10 polling places in the First l municipal ward The polls will be open from 7 a. a m. m to 7 p p. p m. m After Alter passing the ordinance to hold 1 the special election the commission i approved City Engineer Harry C C. Jessen's Jes- Jes seas sens plan for lor expending the funds The total 1 amount is divided as follows follows fol- fol lows For Fot main storm sewer sewer on Seventeenth East t street from Twenty-first Twenty South street t to Parleys Parley's creek intake at t Yale avenue and Fifteenth East street Intakes at North Temple and Main streets and North Temple and State streets sewers on Thirteenth Thirteenth Thirteenth Thir Thir- East street and Laird avenue to Emigration creek sewer in irs Hill on district sewer on Second South street from irom a point GOO feet west of Jordan Jordani river to 1000 feet leet west 2000 con con con- dutting of or Thirteenth South street ca canal canal canal ca- ca nal from State street to Fifth West street reconstruction of or ora waterways wa a va- va at t and intakes hand labor for backfill and excavation of trenches for all pipe 48 inches or smaller and rotation of labor weekly Electors at the primary and general gen gen- I cen-I eral cral elections must merely have the general qualifications required at any regular election The result will be that Salt Lake citizens will be asked asked to t tc exercise their franchise three times within three weeks October 20 at the primaries maries manes October 27 at the special bond election and November 3 at the general election Members of the commission pointed point point- ed cd out that considerable economy might be e effected however in utilizing uti uti- the same equipment and some of the same pOll polling n places and jud judges es for the special election as for the theother theother other Mother elections with only one distribution distribution distri- distri button of at supplies and equipment |