Show J. j 1 r F lashes 1 t Byrd 1 Buy Yacht 0 i interest Plies Piles Up Upi 0 0 I i i It rays Pays to Part 0 0 1 Honor jonor Wireless Operator f. f f tj t j. j PROVIDENCE R R. I. I L. L Sept 24 4 FV JP- Ft will vim to the swallow t a Purchase o of the palatial French for J yacht Rear AdF Ad- Ad being belne considered b by p. p i jw II l Is If owned by byI bythe F Byrd It was once t. t I the ibe Prince of Monaco lo I To Collect i. i NEW YORK Sept 24 Fourteen P Edward C. C Taylor put ears ago t. t years i L the bank in his and his sisters sister s i in He died I. I t Sine name then went to war of or the dc- dc without notifying anyone 3 posit Now Laurette actress is going goins withdraw tOO 1000 CHICAGO Sept 24 A F trust fund iuna 01 of f a residence and andt t 4 jn in n cash go o Woman Gets t to Mrs Eunice ES- ES Es 1 oJ 1 1 I so sic cig obtained Brach rach a who who divorce has I IBy I By Divorce Frank Frank V. V Brach wealthy j I settled them on her with the f provision that the income ROCS goes to J their two children at her death A i v Sticks to Kc Key I NEW YORK Sept 24 GP Fritz V-Fritz Fritz ELarson E. E I tI Larson Swedish wireless operator i has bas been awarded the gold medal of oil 1 j I valor of the Veteran Wireless Operators Operators' Opera Opera- i tors tors' assoc association ati n 1 because eca se h he stuck k to s ff hi his his key aboard a burning ship snip When I. I the e Swedish tanker Castor caught I If i fire tire off oU the Azores last April he sent 1 out an SOS and abandoned ship hip with r the the crew Then he went vent back and andr andI 1 I r r r worked the key some more Every Every- was saved sa body I s f I r 0 Judge Aids Deal Deall I l CHICAGO Sept 24 P F t. t 1 Speeding in a motorcar toward i 0 a big business deal is justifiable 0 t 0 these days das Judge Samuel SamuelI t I Trude said so in discharging J John Mathiesen who pleaded i he had feared to be late for the thel I l 0 transaction I dont don't blame you 0 t 9 a bit said the judge Anyone Any An I one who can put over a busi- busi ness Tess de deal l at this time deserves I I the help and approval of this 0 i 0 court 0 0 I l' l I I i ISTANBUL Turkey Sept 24 PI Fj statue is to be erected to Nedim t poet f poet to Sult Sultan m Ah- Ah Statue to t I mcd med III He lived lied I during the eighteenth Honor I eight eight- f i I c century e n t u r Turkish Poet when tulips were f first introduced and entertained Ahmed with song and nd ve verse se as they strolled through the tulip gardens The Turks describe describe de- de I scribe his tongue as golden like the nightingales nightingale's and his liquid verse erse soft soU I i like the thc ripples of ol the K v Heretofore statues have e been ref reserved re- re f served for lor President Mustapha Kemal t P Pasha ha i |