Show in Business I I u s. s Survey Several Lines Show Definite I Sign of Pickup Pi kup Administration Indicates Dissatisfaction Dissatisfaction Dissatisfaction Dis Dis- satisfaction Over Wage Cutting HOOVER REMAINS SILENT High High Executives Express Private Private vate Reactions 0 Br Af Tres WASHINGTON Sept 24 Di Dissat 24 Div at at- in the administration over wage cutting evidenced Itself toda today I despite the continued reticence of 01 most officials One placed highly executive called caned the move In major industries I another example hample of bad thinking in business Another was not so turc ure of ol it I President Hoover kept kepl his views to himself Like so many others he hc was keeping advised on the major I happenings following the lowered lov wage turn One that attracted serious attention attention attention atten atten- tion today was the denunciatory statement by William WilHam Green President president president dent of the American Federation of Labor charging the st steel el corporationS corporations corpora corpora- with breaking faith and taking an nn unsound unjust policy SOME RETICENT While most prominent officials declined declined de de- de- de dined to state their views even cven privately privately privately others were not so backward One for example showed impatience with the changed wage Avage policy of or orsome some corporations He likened their action to punching a hole through a solid bottom thus forcing construction construe construe- tion of a new foundation at a lower level Yet he was optimistic in one respect He doubted that small in industries industries in- in generally would follow the example set by the leaders His contention was that the little companies forced to scratch hard for business during the past year have obtained a high degree of efficiency in plant and sales organizations and andI I Continued on Par Pace Two Tendency Certain as Important Important Important Im Im- Im- Im Industries In Increase Increase Increase In- In crease Output CLOTHING BUSINESS LEADS Feeling Noted That Dep Depression Depression Depres- Depres es sion Has Hit B Botton J. By Dy EL ELMER IER C. C CopTI Copyright ht 1931 b by United Press Pres NEW YORK Sept 24 Plus l Plus signs along the broad highway of of business bust busi ness neM are Increasing The minus sl signs ns are slowly decreasing This improving tendency was I shown today in a United Press bus bus- mess survey which pic pictured lured several eral flags as i considerably better beUer and the spirit of l business throughout the country turning more mOle optimistic optimistic- Clothing textiles hats shoes refrigeration refrigeration refrigeration re re- re- re jar making and radios are arc among the lines where the up up- trend is most noted Added to this is a feeling in many quarters that the depression has touched bottom definitely and that henceforth the general trend is likely likely likely like like- ly to be upward There may be in interruptions interruptions interruptions in- in in this trend authorities agree yet the present psychology points to a a greater cheer than inmany inmany in inmany many months Many busin business 55 men believe wage readjustments will have the effect of making business better though labor inclines to disagree disagree disagree dis dis- agree with this viewpoint APPAREL LEADS I The clothing industry leads in the list of those businesses making progress Clothing factories are adding add I ing men daily in several centers hatters are working overtime shoe e plants report a substantial gain woolen mills and some cotton textile tex tex- tile tHe plant plan are picking up A distin distinctly t y more optimistic trend was noted in m messages from various sections sections' of ot th the countr country Efforts are arc being beins made to relieve unemployment ment which still is a big problem b by increasing public works projects The hat industry takes the lead in the industries which are operatIng operating ing above last year ear Danbury Conn hatters are producing dozen Empress Eugenic Eugenie hats dall dally daily and are arc operating night and da day I TAILORS ADDED Rochester N N. Y reports employment employ employ- ment merit of ol additional tailors tailor and continuous work for tor others ordinarily on part time as a n result I of ot one of ot the large firms going soing into on PUt Pace Two wo Nationwide Survey Shows U U. S Business on Definite Tendency Certain as Im Important Irn- Irn I Industries In Increase Increase Increase In- In I crease Output Continued from Pate Pace One OM quantity production Hercules Clothing company of Columbus Ohio announced immediate expansion expansion expansion sion of ot its plant for additional production production pro pro- with resultant employment of at additional men Associated Apparel factory at Gary Ind md is employing workers and anticipates anticipates antici antici- pates a payroll totaling 2000 before the end of the year Harrisburg I Pa reports shirt factories working I I overtime Administration Indicates Dissatisfaction Dissatisfaction Dissatisfaction Dis Dis- Dis- Dis satisfaction Over Wage Cutting Continued from Pare Fuse One now are arc in a position to to meet the big fellows on better than even terms As an example one manufacturer o oa of ofa a highly specialized product t has done more business with bigger profit this year ear than ever before I Another view Jew was presented by I another placed highly-placed authority who said many believe a readjust readjustment ment to work out successfully would have to go all the way down the theline theline theline line from the cost of commodity and I production through salaries ries and overhead expenses Those who hold this view reason it out thus The recent 10 per pcr cent reductions announced by the steel corporations still leave wages higher in proportion Hon tion than the cost of at living as the lcd reduction in the latter has been greater than nn any wage reductions yet announced Moreover a a. a acut cut al already already already al- al ready had been virtually in effect through reduction in working hours in many plants Objections to wage cuts were voiced today by Representatives Dies of Texas and Swank of ot Oklahoma Oklahoma Okla Okla- homa both Democrats Both said the problem in jn their respective sections sections sections sec sec- was one of surpluses and that if It the wage cut policy became general general gen geri- eral purchasing power would be so diminished as to aggravate that sit sit sit- |