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Show Snrrl.il Xollro. The city aextou dtalrra toaunsunco that the cemetery galea will bo cloacd at 10a. tu., to be nncd at 2 p. m., tomorrow, to-morrow, May .TOlli. This la done to preveutuolreand confualon during the Decoration service. Ample provldou haa lan-u made for the tying of trama within the ctiuetiry encloturr, Juat oulalde thu cvmetiry iro;i-r. Tho Vlckahurg Himmtrcinl-llnaUl announces that "Hun. II. D. Money haa determined to taku Ilia ttump lu Utfenao of sound Democrats prln. clples." Ills not only In Houthern polltlca that luouey talks. ' ' -I'aK'A'tritOTn r 'jmmm Hlglitst of all In Uavcnlnfj Towertr. S. Cov't I'.epott, Aug j, iSSj. rS! Powder HlliMl-.r Pit lai-r, president of llio Union l'aclllo lUllrtatd mmnany, and a nnintwr i.rolher railway men amrio"IMtii ar; rite In this rlty tmilcht on n aecclal train. Tha nhjin-t ot Ihelr vlalt la not knmrp. Thelatrly hae ai-rnl tho tlay lu Park City, Timyarilof Hip Homo Coal company waa theaeneiif what cniuo near Itclng a Talal wreck apatcrday nrieriiotin, abnrtly Iwforol o'clock. The switch had beeu leftoprli.atnlnann ttiElnontnl ra!ne eainpilt-liliin lu from Hie north, Ihey 1MI the main trick and rotlldcd vlolclitlv wltlilhevartlcniiilie standing on n able trnck. T'lio Irnin men savetl llicinaelvca by Jumping. Noi.tiown. Injor.-l.tlionuli the cngincn wore laully ilauiagv-l ami are now laid tip tit rtqHtlm, tall lor ltrnbllrail lleelluir. Atlcltluiisof tho Fourth precinct. Hilt Lake City, lrresactlvo nf fnrmtr taitty alltllatlona, nro cnullally Inrltrtl tontti-tiil a llrpubllcan meeting to ho held In the Klglitccnth Want Independent Indepen-dent school bourn on Tuesday, Juno !!ml, 1601, at S u'clock p.m., where the iwlltlcal lames of the tlay will be ill.-rurard ill.-rurard by able scakc rs, and n prt clnct ItriiiiUlcnn club wilt lieorganlred, l!y order County Itrpiibllcan Com-mlttic. Com-mlttic. N. TtiKWbi.ic, d It Chairman. Immense lot aff curtain net rertnanti at lialf price. At H. 1'. Trntdcl'a. For imro (,'andlta aud Couftcllonery go to Atbogail's. MDM'.r Til ItllV lly Utah Investment Co. llondsnego-tinted. llondsnego-tinted. Olllctstr.s and 511 ('onallliill.m llulldlng. II. Y. Hamilton, Treat.; V 1'. Callrry, Hru'y; N. V. Jonca, Trtna nueblen's Arnica Nalaa. The UrstHilTo In the worll fir Cuts, llrulaea, Horea. Ulcera, Halt Itheut Fever, Horea, Tetter, Chapi! Hands, Chllblalna, Corns, and all Hklu F.rup-tlous, F.rup-tlous, and putltltely curt l'llrs, or no jaty rcpil red. It la guaranteed to give ra'rfect satisfaction, or money refuuiled, Vrlcu 23 cenla tier box. For aalu by A. C.Hmlth A Co. Kveryllilng Hie Nraltat, Frciheat and Hwerti'tt at Artaigasl's, Dr. lliirrowa.Ocnlltt.Aiirlat nnd Optician, Op-tician, HpcctachsfUUd. Commercial lllock. HCAittr, I'd Kasl. IttB. rrtacrlpllous For the celebrated lloaton Ice Cieam goto Atlogaat'a. filiNTS SUITS MADE TO ORDER Sprlnfj Styloti Just In from PftOVO MILLS. JOHN C. CUTLER ti BRO No. 30 Main St. HCAlll'f. Family DrugglatSO K. lat H. IlAVU you trltnl Arbogaat'a Cream HodaT (Jo to A r igaat fur Uoatou Ice Cream I'lNK French Candles at Arbogaat'a I'arllraauil I'ealliala Bupplled tu any quantity at short iiollie. 10H Main slrett and 4S First Houlh street J. lo Ibe li.bllazlleeltlel'n., MW. ITrat Houlh, (or your tleclrle lighting and electrical supplies, lleroralli-u Ilay, The celebrated Morton Ice Crram only made by Arhogait. Heud lu your orders at once. IJarllrl.l Uracil. Trains Utwrrn Halt I.iku ami Garfield Gar-field Uracil will iuu as followa until further notice: .ira .trritt r.ira jtrrti fullMt. I.ortb. (,'..r.(. 811 l.ult. JlOa-ia. s.'ta.in. lti.ia, a.U..m. I.WI..10. INlMa. (Ml p.m. e.u,ui. U D. lluni.KY, Hen. Ageut. H'e laanl frfiana on Improved prorty lu Halt iJike City. Nodelaja If security and lltlo are satlafactory. Money la here. Lombard Invia-tmrnt Comiaiiy, up lairs, corner Main and First Houtli. BCAIiyf. ill Kaal, lat South, Hjionge In 1S30 "Irutvn'i 'ronounl 'roc.'.ei' were Introduted, and tlitlr success as a euro fur Colds, Coughs, Asthma auj ltrouchltls has Lien uuparalMud. (Jo to HlT-SCMI, IIVWATCII & (V 17 and HI Weal HouthTemiileHtrwt, fpr Tin Hooting Gulbtrlug, Htajutltig Btovea and Tinware, etc Baking Powefet: Used iu Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. A Turo Cream ot Tartnr Towtlcr. Superior to every other known. Delicious Cake and Pastry, Wjjlit Flaky Biscuit, Griddle Cakes, Palatable and Wholesome. No otlicr baking Vwdcr docs such work. NOTE. Tlio Sato 0 Sulmcrlpllo" Srnln closes Nattti'dau lCven-till. lCven-till. " MUSICAL Festival ! 1 TDK LARGE .-. TABERliAGLE ! Nti.T i.ui: irr. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, JUNE 5 5 6, Saturday Matineo. OIITKt UT Till S.A.XjU: .. LAKE CHORAL SOCIETY ,00.VOICES! -nutn ar- APP0L0:-:CLTLTB II. a. KROl'iC, Cosuccrua. , Ladies' and Gents' Mandolin and Guitar Clubs, Kill EU..V OLfO.V n1 K. U. WUTZIlLt, CoXMTCTrtRI. STRING :-: QUARTETTE, Anl tht follow Id boloUli i W. E. Welhc, Violin. Tbos. Kadcliffe and J. J. Daynts.Orgin aoiuiacii AfiNrs nusox tiiomas, LII.Y SNVIIli:, u..ii; TiiiiMis rnw.iitii, ASH Kuua u. THURSBY! coaratiLroat llESMr. IU'.AN AM.ISOV, MOI.A I'KATT. vasoaai IU (!, KASTOX, (!. I. l'Vl'Klt. II. M. (iOIIII.Utll, J. II. SI'llMCI!, llantoaa, Ilaaa. AalVlTltON W, WHITNEY! thus, ltuici.itn:, J. J. nnxi-s, llrxaalit. I'laaiaL JIUS. IIIIIJ.II IIAMll.TO.V, At.lalaMOriasltl. :. :-: sflTrilEXS, ItlNbt'CTOIL FIRST CONCERT, rniDAV NIQHT, Willrriaililur KAVOUITK SKI-KCTtOS'S trout itiowprktot tbirrta(r.tjtr tuu, Ilftliart fttiii ultttr COUIJtOtCI. SECOND CONCERT, BATUnDAY MATINCB. I'ofiutar eelactlosa, llalltitl, rtfl., lartud isis Imat lr if. n. MaluVssil MIIIUX IV, MlliXM.V, THIRD :-: CONCERT, SATUflDAY NIOItT. lbs Nlrvr I'AKT will Inrlua Varonlo So. Jsollooa tr Ilia Soelrljr .ml ,t.iLul aro.la.ai.rl lup ihs rnnrlnaloa or Ilia la.tlvaltha Sitclrwitl raader lor I ho Artt lima in Itila tltr, llajiln'a lliautilul Uraterl, THE :-: SPRING Kl.Ma.Tltmta.llV j.ns 11. n. Iirill a. 11 , ....Lucaa UIOUALWUIKriTTwaiira-sTss . lti,ulapanr 1'aaianlt. asrSaa troiranuaaa r..r woi,, aruoila, Uiil.Uoaas.otliaraillculara.' ' ' Mlai Tlittralir ana Mr. IVIillnof trill Situ at AM. Tllltl'.i: I'uiueili. ADMISSION 75c. Reserved Seats $1.00 Matinee 60c Reserved Seals 75c: ' SoUif rlpllon Tluatti.antltllo, Ibo haUrr It Oral 1 clui.ro or Iteaarvl I .atl tcr nil llirao M"l" alaVt ll?,'a f,1'l'l'l oil, Tl k.,a Marl . I). II. H;ij,., (Vallsr A SnolitoVa'a', III lJ".Vl.,,r "a ITtafc llooa A alailnnaiy IM., (ai. lent n,ua., Iioutna a ,rlo.o sa.l I'sraoaa t abaerlsllea Kaaitaa i-,.n. al Voitlcr laaisnna's, Jl..i,lajr.ju,l,,ia,.ro. t.aiicral Itafrraa ttalaopoxa Juh4SU. All I onalrv l-airaa. ui.V a. tra.a anr r.f Ihs i :"n.', '.': ' WbuasT. A. t Itii-.nt. J. II. ?".", V;lr sX1"'' """"' " "t""""- |