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Show Nil'Ul.lONS 1)1)0. Tin: nortY ok tup iini.non'a fa-iots fa-iots IIT. It was ilatk, and down a ritlreil attest Iu Carls a man rodo Alonu oil hotM lick. Huddetily tho horsu atop eil as IffrlKhUuid. I Inn a man rose from Iho lavement In Iho ml. hi In of tho street uml Juidi.ic-1 loounsMu with ncry. 'lhu rldir was utn-ry aiultx cUlmidi "Aro you drunk, man, that juiillo about In tho ml Ulo of n dilk street In gel ) oiiraelf run over?" "Von luli-ht belli r lend a ir fi llotr a hand than scold In that way," x-tlaluied x-tlaluied tho otlur. "I had thiev hundred francs Iu gold Iu this nt, carrj ux It lo iy a bill for my muter, ami the ban haa brsken, nnJ It Is all lost over the slrort. If jou had some matches they would do moreKood thau jourcurai-s." "It's nueasy tack hi find lost uiomy onanlEhtliko Uils," said the rider, dismounting. "1 havo no matches, but irhaa I can help you. Havo jou any of tho tleiHakft;" Only one," replied Iho uufoituualo fellow, with a soli. "(Ilvo It to me," said tho oilier. 'Iho or man lusllatod, tail tho strat tier rtnnl the words In A lone of Authority, and tho latt coin was handed to nlni. rhestraniter uhlalled and a Ktrat Hlllall maatlir stood hesido him. Ho heU thoitilli to lhu dois'a tiOM and, leaning to tho rou,;li avemiut, said! "l'lud them." Hie dog aultri-d the gold pleco And Wgau the March. Due, two, three; ho lagan bringing In tho coins and droning them lulu Ills mastet'a hand, while the uor servant stood by Iu silent wonder. riilrlevn Units he leturiml with a twinly-fraus ilece. Then, allir a long search, liiicamr back um tr, with a grunt that seemed tosat "1 here are uo more." Wo are ytt hiking ouoplcct," aald (ho stranger. "Are ou sure (hero was Just rat) fraucs?" "riurti assurucanhv, sir," thosirv-Ant thosirv-Ant riplled. "Then look In the hag again, Tluru must Ihi one left there," The man looked and sure enough found the last gold pleco still there. Oh, sir," lie exclaimed, as the stranger sprang Into his meddle, ")ou aro my deliverer. Tell mo your iiatno that my maslir may know who has donehimsucha service," "1 ho tlona noihlng," said tho slraugir. 'Tell jour inaalir that lhu ouewhohel4il you was a very good and Intelligent dc-g by the name of Jole." Itwasaomo years aftcrwnrd, when Trance had Hen troubled timee andtho rnjul family was no more, that tho tmstirwas telling tho Incident to a party ot friends, one f whom had Ui u em Inj i-l In tlio place, "Jole! J oil!" ho ixcl timed. "There was lut ono dog of that name, and tin roneer was ainoiu remarkable and faithful dog than he. Ho always acconitinli'd hUuiaitorwhoiiho wtnt Iu dlagulso atiout the i Ity." "Wlio wa his inastit?" they nil oaknl. The riply Mas brief! "Tho llm-Iror llm-Iror Napohon." l'uuri'ifAoiaifo;! |