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Show fok un. mimus. I'fofreaor Smltli' Plea In lVliilf cf till) Atcnrd Mlnltttr anil Mi Inf. PROMPT AND DECIDED ACTION DEMANDED. Judge Urrclcnrhlg AdJrsi.es Ikr IminMj, I alls Id llio Hour nuil Wis. nr TalesiaMi to las Naws I Till! III1MIUH I ASH'.- liltcnssiett oritic illumine Ni:tri Ilealh or DelrtMlc. DmioiT, May ii. Profcrsor Kmltli of Iho I -alio ThcologliAl seminary Mid! " Did 1 roi-r-a'tloii la terminate tlio iie-fiilniisnr iie-fiilniisnr a minister ahould be dla-cu.re-1 carefully. Whatever the torn-lulltiumsy torn-lulltiumsy say, no doubt coiiicltn-ll.jii.ly.lt coiiicltn-ll.jii.ly.lt will Is Inferred tint Dr. Hrlggsls guilty of Minn oileiire. We shall thus cast rr rnftiti on hi good name nnil n good school, nlrcaly (tltLhell 1 7 thai, will Im crippled fi f At hast the linmidlatci futuii. Tlilt l rcaion for caution. I know my aide In uuf-orular, therefore hear mu candidly eudallehtl), as I try to show that the commlltio havn erred: "Tltst, It Is doubtful whether inch aiinasimbly Isabloto hidgu of bthrr lima iloilrln.il (jualillcntloti. Dr. llrljgs l not u new limn. lo waa tinted seventeen ytsrs ago, I think, to n chair In Iho Unliilhculoghalieuil-naiy. Unliilhculoghalieuil-naiy. Jinny of Ida collieguia nui students my Ihut Im In linn of iMIIty l.u I Rliolnulilji.on Able ti achcr, i initial ini-tial Ami 1 Ions. ThlsSscmby,luWholil he la a stranger ought not to l-e In liartc. Tlio Prtibjltrlaua Ask us to nit In wisdom In tlio premise. .May not this bo tu contlnutt I1I111T The Argument Ar-gument against lilm are twe: 'One llu Is misunderstood. " I wo That he U not souud Iu doc-trlii. doc-trlii. "It li ulil (hat In quarrels t otli aides aro wrong. Why not In mlauulrr-atandlUR? mlauulrr-atandlUR? I have u alched tho conlru-verity conlru-verity from tho tint, Is-causo I havo had more lutcrcst thanmoit. Tho almost al-most omnipotent religious press gets Into all our bonus. Their illlon nullify thilrlnilueuca. It la hill to ha nearly Infallible, Has It not biased tho commissioners? I dcrlru to say nothing ogalnst these editors, lnt aro they imallllcd for llili? J. vena religious re-ligious editor caunot bo A specialist III all departments, and In llablo to err. It mi) bo that they havo lulsuudcr-ilia lulsuudcr-ilia I Dr. llrlgga. "The leroml t barge, that halt unround, un-round, may he bated tiu a nils-uiideritandlng. nils-uiideritandlng. Homo any huendorste the spiritual condition of Martlneau. If Dr. Hrlggs can historically Juallfy his position ho lia a right to hold II. My last point la that a man mint ! I'toteilullKiulldafterAtAteful trill. If nit-J Im In All tho church lourtu, but In Araaollke-thUthoiuau la, If charged with unmuulmia, conaldereil un-otind un-otind from the tint. I don't that Ma Ideaa of tho lllble, tedemitlon of tho rueo and j roxriiulve Miicllfiia-tlon Miicllfiia-tlon Alter dtatli tiro not accorillnc to thoatandardanun atrlct construction of tho coufcaalon. Of tourae, ho Is wrouir, but will you, who mean to make auili a raditul chanijo In our confession as to aay that all lufanta aro aavid, not leavo n liltlo margin for Dr. llrlK:" 111. Lokaii of Hcrantou, Ta.t sue-Cuttwl sue-Cuttwl a mudlfUatlon of tho aitloii j ronosed by thocolliuilltie. lluaatd: "1 ajrto with them with Huso lu auieiiUuienU: 'Tliat Tho aastnihly dlsapproMt for the ircai lit the a) iolntmcut, etc "H-coud llmtAixuniulttioof olitht rulbUteis ana rerou ruhua; alders bo atriolutod to confer with rrofeasor llrls and tho dlnctorsof thostml-nary." thostml-nary." Tito Utter ho moei1, and It was eeo oudwl, Coiillnuliiir, Dr. liOKnii aaldt "1 ho church auks: 'rilmll u o not haro a wont of (Ijd that wo tan tiuil?' V aro liound to aay that wo can't suhtutii hi 111 In tint chair, hut having n fined to confirm him, It t us wait boforo taking tak-ing liretrletablo at tlon." (.'hatha A. Dltkey, D.I), of I'lilln-dolt I'lilln-dolt hla, a number of Iho boar! of directors di-rectors of the Union 'I hoologlcnl Hemluary, taldi "I havo mi idea In mai fir Dr. llrlRK', hut I will, If f aland aIoiip. jleail that my inau shall hao fair )lay. I do not defend Ids Mews or attac'i tin in. I denlorohl InauKural. I wish to askonl) what Is exwdU nt, not In tho acuau of coerlui( uporiHiatjioneninnt, hut what U beat, not merely lawful, Iu u time when (ho strain Is so auvero and tho situation so dellialr. "IViiaro told by this committee) thai theruls but onu rensou thativni4lled tbls Itonorablunnd faithful commllleo lo utk fur this dtt Idol and lrroorahl action. I know they would havo Irouitht a roiltIon lo wait If It could In- dono. riila Is Hi" idnt. Can wo wait; Ihilr only rianoii for In-aUlliiKnunetoiiow In-aUlliiKnunetoiiow Is that It limit Iti now or nevtr, I MltljruuruotodJUer with ocnlh.m, lluanot IhlsKanm-bly IhlsKanm-bly tho aarao rlRht to Interpret a com. I act as the at embly of I H7I I They aay wolwi ihoiiowirofvilolf wn do not eieulte It now; Jit auiiioo that wo havo 11 touiinltleo of couloreucoover torn this action aftir It Is column. tnatLil. Would It not l Utter to triiat us than to act IrreiiHillably auj thin confir throuu'h a cniiiinlllttt" Dr.Kranclsof C'lncluiiatl aaldi'Tho Piekhj titles that havonrcrlureil Iho I aiaemhly huve not done an u llhout de- I llUrallon. They dlsciiavd tho nutter llircuiih weeks and months, luilelay l!l rlak muro thtiu tho loasoftho ervlm uf oil" man or Injuring tho "iKlbllltlea of Dm truatiia of Hie Union riiooloKlcalHemlimy. Almost eviry inator and nilnlilnr worked and votid nKOlnat Dr. Hmlth. We diinauj iironii t and ilexl led action " Judiio ilrecklnrldi;o of HI. 1-oula atateit tho Irual iointa In tho iiu-o. "If wa don't veto now," said he, "wo iievir tan. Logan's uiueniluitut for deferring action Is lininu tliahlo. Wn can Ho nothing oictpt dlsaj nrove, About asaljinlui; otlur riawnn, It dois fecnt that tho mind of the chiinh haa ln anxious for aom montl's, mid wo thoulil relievo It." Ilrecklfctulgo's last words were! "No,t-intnnen, I fil that I havo discharged toy duty audulih lo L" Jl eicuied from fuither eaklni:." Iliaehlnjfora Rl of water he ml. denlv threw up his hands and fell to tho ft mr, Mill Inst luaMly nn Ills head. He was haatlly lairled to tho nnti. room and ph) slclans sumiuoued. Tlu-y found him ill au. Whou thuaniicuncrmehlwas mado llieAafenibl nloiicavotMl to n IJieirn fir tin dapnatidof thnlunijiiit as-sunrd as-sunrd lor loniirruvv nUht, n, rayer meitliir; waiaiiiiouncoil. A cimmit tee was n;.-.liitii to make sultlble nrrainjemtiilalraiiafer c.l the tody hi tho laat lotion Uc, and brief Fieri lit a wiro ilillvired by (cVetal deleinti a. Mr. llri-ckenildcowMnaon of Hi v. Dr J. W. llirikinrlh(c, ho Ian brother nf tbonlJcly known Wlllhiu and Hubert llriikenrldk'e. Ills inothtr Is a ilaujhter of l'rofesor IS. H. Miller, ufl'rli.ctton. Ileneral AlKer, of Mlchlean, ofrired Aiclaltrnluto ooliviy tlio remains and commlttim to Kt. Imls. Many di lecntea In conversation af'er adjournment adjourn-ment recalled the similar su Iden death ofex-Uovernor Wuhburtiat a nmtlni; of tho Amerli an luard at Sprlnflel I, Max., which so Rreilly sofisned til" heili-i illwuwlon then giliig oil ovir doctrinal inatlera. |