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Show 1 rAl lMpllt1n. Thb li a tMTi.i.tf wan ' itoryi I u-J to hivi nn oU Oorican cut loiucr up In MlrwoiotA. lie kepi a little lit-tle country .tonlier lio IraJl calico niiil mffaf And tliiwnru tut op; ainl poultr IIU littler crosn roads placo vm twenty mUra from tho railroad. niooDg a Kttkiurnt ot (icnimnt. I iitcd to drlre out tlicro about three tlinoi a year and eell htiu n hleo littlo bill of good 1 When 1 got pretty veil fi) .tainted with the old man I found tliat lie hud the tntwt rodltncntAr Idea of Accounts and hit infill'! of fretting a Mllintf price on hnrdwt.ro (my tine) was elm pllclty Itl. He Jatt i tho ot, wlutoorlt in!j;ht be. nnd multiplied It Ijr ta Of conrw t uat nt a good thmJof exptnro In clllnj to him. and I Died my prlMAceurdiiiiIjr Well, on time I went out nnd the old man woull haro nothing to do wltli ran. My rmiuo wu DennU didn't wntit to tAlk at all. 1 loafed around and finally found out what wai the tQAtUr Auothcr ItAhlwaM tnnii had been out there And hid made hlui prlcei about twtnty ho per cent lt thaninfno. Tlirn I Jut satdiv.uitnd rhowed the old man how a padlock that he had a!d me four dolhn fr hod been void Win by tho other fellow for three doll art. II y dozen pad!oW coitliini four dollars. 1 1 a multiplied tliat by two. told thttn for c lht dollar and tti vie four. Tho other luaii'a cont him threodollarti he then old them for ill dollar and mada threo dollAra, Clear hnlt by trading with mo one dollar admen on lhoo padlocks nnd no on through the bltL The ol 1 niiui law It plain aj day And atuck right to mo after that Chicago INovgi, a citr ft riiriiw Krcr lnce tho Crimean war many of the populoui thoruughfAJve of OdeuM haro been undermined. In 1631 n law wa framed by thti luunlcIpAl council (doonia), making It obligatory upon eery landlord to QI1 up thomlnonhlch oNiiafrom hit premise. Hut obtlI-euro obtlI-euro to that law win noer lnItcd upou, and tho Iioum onen Ignored It vilitrnro. Of lato eeveral accident lave occurred whore tho ground n thettrrtt And ttdiwalk cned In and fell Into tho mine. Ube municipal council contemplated the ouforwuient of the law, but tbe houw owner pre-tented pre-tented a ptlUon against thU tncjuiiro on tho plea that tho mlnci oro uod a cellar for the ilorutj of gomln, aim! If tliry tliould bo filled up their proper tic would deteriorate In value. Hire upon the city council Adopted a resolution obliging tho landlord to lino tho mint which open Into their houw with ccmcntd wall to that thogrodnd abovo them should hot enro la. In cjumi where Uil cannot bo done tho mlno niiut bo filled up. Tho landlord who fail to do one tiling or the othrr will bo rripniiiuble for all AccldenUtliAt may Imj cnu-od by hi negligence, And lo liable toAn 'admlnIitratlvetIueH for diobodlenco. Iho board of city archl tects morvotrr, drew upa plan of all tho mince In the city, marking tho which can bo made socure and those which miut bo closed. Uicliange, |