Show I Wi m AVEN J BETTY Lett Letters rs and questions for the department should be ad addressed essed to Miss I I Betty Hearts Heart's Haven Salt Lake Telegram Writ 4 only on one side Pr of ot the paper It is necess necessary ry to append your name and address but these Are held in confidence and will not be published Lost Loat and found notices I cannot be published in the tho column i I A A CONTEMPORARY POETS- POETS CHORISTER Dear Betty I sure lure hate to give away my ut utter utter ut- ut ter ignorance this way but I wish you ou would explain to me ne tho the meaning meaning meaning mean mean- ing of tho the term contemporary verse verge I have lo looked ked up the words in my dictionary and cant can't seem seen to connect the two at all Contemporary Contempo Contempo- r ry means occurring c at the tho s same me time or one living at the same time as a. another Now can you see my delirium How does it differ from other poetry Also I would like to I know now just how one goes about preparing to tobe tobe I be 0 chorister My father led the singing In our ward for quite a few years and during that time I was not interested but now flow I am am and I it is too late he lie 1 la Is gone and cannot cannot cannot can can- not instruct me mc I believe I could fake it as well as some do do but there is too much sincerity about me for that 1 I want to prepare preparo myself myself myself my my- self so that I really know what I Iam am aim m doing and why and can cnn explain it all I have tried to find courses of instruction listed but cannot find any and so ro I was wondering if a good course in sight light singing would help me There arent aren't any really good reliable teachers hereabouts either cither I know a about music but I dont don't feel that it is enough Does tho the Mormon church have any such auch courses or instructions instructions instructions It seems to me that that they should s they have o many leaders leaders lead lead- ers in the different associations Thanks for the answer t to my other questions they were just what I wanted and I hope you dont don't mind nind me bothering you again so soon SINCERELY SI DUMB Contemporary verso verse o is that which is 19 being written in itt our own time p els ar are those who whore whore re writing rewriting e or have e written verse during the same ramo period of time lime For example Wordsworth Coleridge Sou they Shelly and anti Keats were contemporary poets all having havins- 1 lived H and written dUlIn turIng during tho tim latter part jart of ot the tho eighteenth century Contemporary Contemporary Con Con- temporary poets of oC toda today arc are Robert Frost Edwin Arlington tol Robinson Edna Idna St. St Vincent MilIa Millay Carl Sandburg Sandburg Sand Sand- burg bUlJ Lindsay Lindsa your own avowed favorite Eddie Guest and others I am informed that class work for choristers Is conduct conducted d here In Salt Lake at tho McCune School ot of but that the choristers of ot tho the thoI I L. L D. D S. S church do not teach sight singing hinging or the use uso of oC the tho baton in their travels throughout the tho various vari vari- ou ous stakes and wards Thero are books bools containing instructions for choristers but even cven with tho the help of ot these you ou would be bc handicapped without being able to do sl sight ht read read- ing jno Alvin 4 Beesley a n. veteran conductor con con- ductor of oC tho the L. L D. D S. S choirs would be glad slad to look up t c. catalogues lo ues or lists of oC such books if Ir you ou will write him at 57 7 South Main lain street Salt Lake City r AMOS AND ANDY Deer Dear Miss Blair Ha Hal ha Ita old dear I think Ive I've caught c you at last Now according to the Radio Digest which I take tako e as authority Amos and Andy broadcast right out of their dressing dressing dressing dress dress- ing roo rooms ns or wherever they happen to be Lie as they arc are on tour all the time Of cour course e it goes through the Chicago station and their homes They havo have a little glass room by them elves to broadcast from in Chii Chicago go Andy stands close to the tho mike and makes his voice lower n-J n Amos stands back farther Here's Heres hoping they get their in income in in- come LOnie tax fixed for if they have to too o to jail jaH they might not let them themI I l out of jail aiL They have broadcast every night except Sunday Sun Sun- thy dilly for four years Both February aid ald March issues of the Radio Di- Di gt ht havo have about them Yes I am in need of help help badly L Last Ast st spring you published a recipe fo fo chocolate icebox cake It called foP one cup powdered sugar one cut curs butter one cup cream The lady said it was wu a little more work but worth it it I used the recipe three tim times s and now have lost it it If i 1 could get this recipe I would be awfully glad as i t cant can't boil water without looking in the recipe book Have two more sacks ready to send Thanking you for past favors M MRS RS R. R v v have havo been to lo Verify I the statement of oC the tho r rullo idin Dl Digest est concerning the tho oCl of oC l l and And Andy at tho tim time time- the I broadcasts are sent through the ChicAgo O studios The rho only Information tutor tutor- mation had iad at is that they thy broadcast THROUGH tho Iho Chicago o studios of oC tho National Broadcast lIt lIt- jn lug ing 8 system which wa was tho tilO statement tate state ment wo VJ o out However rI we e tako tho DI Digests Digest's ests est's word for fOI it and thank you for sending ln Iho tho tion Here hero l 1 is a a. rc recipe for chocolate Ice Ice- liz box rhe which WS wo WI hope will tn take kc th tho thip place r tiC t f ono one 5 sent nt in ill JJ by a a. reader ami Rl which was wa published about a year car 3 ago 0 One half pound chocolate I 1 I eggs 1 3 1 cup powdered sU sugar Jr 4 tablespoons water 1 sponge square 1 dozen vanilla to tas tas' 1 2 1 pint whipping Cl ci cain eam Chillin Chilling time l 12 to 21 1 hours in Ice ice- box First lino Uno the thc mould with oiled v V. paper lides ends and bottom Seia Separate Sep Sep- I a arate ato tho ladyfingers and arid stand upright upright upright up up- right along alonS' the sides of ot the tho mould Cut tho cake cako In three la layers and place one ono la layer cr on the the bottom bottom of ot tho mould Reserve tho other two layers Have o the water boiling gently In inthe tho the lower part put ot of tho double boiler boner Break up tho the chocolate chocolate into hUb small Email pieces and md melt in boiler bailer When hen thIs Ibis Is Jg soft goit add tho tIm cold water and stIr str Ur until smooth Add the sugar and stir until smooth Beat Beut in the egg yolks yolk olk ono at a n. time Utne and stir well Turn heat helt low and let Jet water simmer gently Whip tho egg egr whites until stiff Take tho chocolate custard from froni tho heat and gradually add to tho the bUrn stiffly beaten whites white Add flavoring oring Pour 3 1 o of the tho chocolate fluff over the thc sponge layer layel in tho the bottom of oC th the mould cover covel with the Iho second layer of s sponge pongo cako and over o thi this pour pOUl another portion of or chocolate fluff Adjust tho third la layer cr and over this this this' pour loUr tho the remainder cr of or tho fluff taking taking- care to keep the upright ht Fold an oiled paper about the tho edges to keep tho the in place should tho tim mould not be sufficiently suf- suf high Set in Icebox At serving time limo remove the oiled paper laper slip the cake cale from frOni its ils r mould upon a a. doily dolly dessert plate Decorato Decorate with whipped cream Thanks for the the- offer of oC moro sacks Tho ono you sent found rea ready l acceptance in welfare needs Always welcome WANTED WANTED-A A HIGH CHAIR Dear Miss Blair I do not come asking for myself but a little widow whom I know one one who is having a dreadfully hard time to get along has along has three children all of whom are nothing but babes If she had a high chair in iii which one of the children could be bo placed in safety while she at attended attended at at- tended to the other two her burden would be very much lightened I have canvassed among anong my friends but they havo have all given their highchairs highchairs high high- chairs chah's to others who needed them I just wonder if one of your readers would not have a chair with which they would willingly part so that this little woman could get her baby out of her arms arns while she p performs her many tasks Thank you so 10 o much for fop any help that may come My telephone number is Was M. MRS C. C Surely a i t. t call of oC thui this nature cannot cannot cannot can can- not be bo overlooked o Wo IVo are hoping that someone having a. a to high chair for which the they themselves have ha no further use one use one perhaps that is Js relegated to tho tim attic or 01 the basement base base- ment uncut may may call the telephone number num aunt her ber given Si and tell Mrs C. C that t-I t e nUl may have the chair We Vc thank tho giver In arc d fo for Hearts Heart's Haven n appeals do o not gc ge c unheeded POINT OF ETIQUETTE Dear Miss BI Blair ir When a girl is going out with ith a aboy aboy aboy boy is it t proper for the boy to take hold of the cirl's iris irl's arm or is it proper for or the girl to take hold of tho the boys boy's arm I as 15 years old 5 feet 3 z tf inches tall How much should I 1 weigh Also Alzo where could I secure a booklet explaining the game of tennis I Thank you BERNECE It is never neve under an any circumstances circumstances circum circum- stances proper for lor a boy to lako tako a girls girl's arm ami When assisting a a. girl into a no car tho ho boy merely places hi hand under the tho girls girl's rl's elbow and aids hc her to ascend or 01 ho ma may do the une or take hc her Hand in III aiding her herto herto t to alight if assistance is nc needed ded in h crossing tho street ct or ot in workIng workIng work- work In Ing ones one's W way 1 through through crowds tho the gentleman an offers his arm to his hula partner but Jut neVer no makes lie tho of or clutching hers hen It ia li not proper propel for OL the Ja lady to tu take the Iho gentleman's arm except In lii cases where assistance Is needed You should weigh in lit tho neighborhood neIghborhood neighborhood neigh neIgh- of oC 15 pounds lOunds The houses selling sporting goods ha havo booklets explaining tho Iho game gamo ame of or tennis which cos cost t in tho the neighborhood of oC 25 5 cents PINE NUTS Dear Miss Blair I would like to know at what time of the year pinion pine nuts are aro areat areat at their best to be gathered for roasting in the oven We are al always always al al- ways too late lato or 01 too early when I we v go to gather them Thanking PINECONE you you in in advance I II I Ono mu must t watch vatch tho the season for Ibo tuo ripening o of pius nuts huts just aa S ono no Watches it for tho ho oC of fruit or 01 an anything else If H an car early start is ii had In lit tho tIm rIng the they arc are gathered in lit early September a t later start often dela delays s 's their full rull maturity until October Then too there is tho Iho good season eaSon and tho poor season sea sea- ca- ca son o alternating or for pine nuts just a as aJi there Is for some somo fruits You siro welcome |