Show 4 f 0 Ps When Wh en Pain Paino I I o j 4 c CW e For Troubles due to Acid C Comes U U ACID INDIGESTION STOMACH 0 m es II HEARTBURN E U UH II H UD oCH u Two hours after eating What many people call vcr very often means c excess acid in lit the tho stomach Tho rho stomach es havo been food fOUr sours Tho corrective 1 hiM id hi aji M alkali which acids Instantly And the best alkali mown known lo to medical science is PhillIP Phillips Phil Phil- lips lIP Mill II Ill of Magnesia it H has re- re tho standard with physicians phyl clang cIan in the 50 O years cara since It Its In InVention In- In One of ot this harmless s. s t. t tasteless alkali In water Ilter will neutralize neu- neu Instantly many times as much acid and tho tim s disappear dis dis- dis appear at once You will never u use e crude methods when once yuu learn the efficiency ot of this LIds Go io get set a small bottle to try Be no sure sine to get the tho genuine Phillips Phillips' Phil PhIl- lips lips' Milk of Ma Magnesia Ire prescribed by physicians for 00 GO years in correcting cor cor- excess acids fic and a bottle bottle any any drug store Milk of ot Magnesia l h iii Ins ls been the U. U S S. S nc Registered Trado o Mark darI of or The Charles ll II Phillips Chemical Company Com Corn pany Jiny and its predecessor Charles H H. Phillips Inco Adv CA Adv v STOMACH ULCERS AND GOITRES ARE CURABLE ONLY BY NATURE n Any honest ph t admits this Goitres GoUres anI ami stomach trouble trouble- as t well no nc all l other oilier Irrer chronic sro arc dUB to tou u LI lack ILCI of or function 4 or tit life in III ue affected X Picture properly lJ taken Mho v tho tile cause of r lack n Rr rC fU function arid ul alwo o h the v Proper propel P r method 1 f of lr It Wet Diel and medicines If correct ma may help jut hut cannot lannot tho the remove primary cause O Jr l i Pressure Pressure- that Is la the Uie Chiropractors Chiropractor's Sr Specially Our in arc aio different this this- nil ail awl ami t 00 fJ at al our health offices tills huM and receive Jve I with with- out obligation compete Chiropractic XRay X O Nor r examination and analysts tho thu o nero Jr Huro or obstruction causing our lour our chronic sick s-lck- MU and how to correct U. U There i Is no catch atch In III oft offer r. r See See- big IS Is Th The X Hay cannot lie it Seo ee for fol yourself Then Tutu b It In your jour own wn jude jud It Let l not it J lice k keep keei e you ou from out Health Hoes Hows X-Ita X X Chiropractors and irid l Palmer Utah Savin HI 14 Ii Tru t a atch Modern X Ray Laboratory Literature UH UIt Our OUt Dir Dif X X-lluy Itay Laboratory Literature mailed ou em request Adv I I F oj Get a Ton of lUNG KING COAL The tremendous ous sales superiority of or King Coul Cotti is in ill tho tim fact that Its enormous enormous enor enor- lead of or tons over o tho the nearest Phone competing Utah brand last year rear Is a gain bUln 1 of or tons ton over o Its Us lel leadership in 19 1928 5 W Was as Dustless Delivery always 2 2667 Order a ton today JJ S and chemical treatment if requested Western Fuel Co SOUTH MAIN h c 4 Look for forthe p. p the attractive yellow package with the Rising S Sn n its it's V. V lit 1 ego The most wh wholesome palatable Coffee you ever eJer had Good for your r Stomach Liver Kidneys Heart and your r Nerves It Relieves Constipation Cons C was originated 1887 it 1887 it always pays to buy the best bet u Its 0 Su suilS MenS Men'S fl'S Woo Wool DarK plain 1 C CUnder Coals oats Woo DarK k plain c Under Myers 1 BUT rAY |