Show I Mf MECHAM HAM REPLIES TO 10 HI HIS CRITICS S Denies Claims of Lack of Cooper Cooperation ti n With Game Association Breaking a t silence of or almost 1 a year jear J J. Arthur Mecham state fish and game amo commissioner replied to criticism that tho the state department hll has not been cooperating with the Salt alt Lake County Fish and Game Caine Protective a association move moc came in the form of or a a. report to Governor Go George e H. H Dern showing in detail the amount of or monc money spent and work done b by bythe bythe th the in aiding ti ln tho time association In its hatchery hatcher and their planting ro l program r m. u Medium declared declare that his de department tie tie- spent pent 5 for the as association as- as during the past twelve men months 5 In the time letter which accompanied time the report h he ime Informed the the- governor gayer gover vornor vor- vor nor that the the- annual report of or the association failed to mention an any of oC thin th work done b by tIme the state dc- dc nt Tho The Salt Iak ounh hatchery hatcher and rearing pond I Is loc t located rl on the property the state hatch hatch- er cry at al Murray In his report tin th commissioner lI lists ts tho following items Fish planted In tho association Continued Continue l on 11 page Paro 5 |