Show hI h- h I I TI l. l e t t era Must Be T nT T jf TT TV TT 0 Opinions p pIn I n Ions Welcomed I l' l Signed Names With PEOPLES PEOPLE'S M H fl lM DH 1 I CORNER fi BK J H NT P I e a It o e Do Not held Upon Request JL O J JL JL N Exceed COO 00 00 Words I W Working orling Mothers Enda Endanger g Children hildren Editor The Thin Telegram Apropos of oC the tho discussion on married women working I thought I your rom readers might be Interested ll in lii inthe the following taken from a recent number of ot a popular magazine I Ono One of oC contributing causes to child delinquency In Cleveland Cle antI and we take It the saturn same situation applies elsewhere Is 15 due U to the thenet fact net that both Loth parents arc aie employed em at al the lie same time and the child left to his or her hH own resources Judge Eastman seine somo time ago 30 said Women omen who ho leave their homes an and work when their husbands make enough nough money to support them are arc a It menace to society es especially cs- cs I If it the they hu have ch children lI II hI 3 ha had before him four Cour young oun bo boys ch pd with attempting to wreck a a. New cw York Central train I am told that the mothers of or theo lies bo boys s 's work I am an further told ll tl at at their theil husbands received recel around 4 sd a week yet t these imen go so out each ach da day to work antI and leave their children to get ct alon along a as best Lest th they can No No wonder ondel wo we have ha juvenile Ju courts and juvenile ju Jull Judges Judges- es 4 A recent statement coming from ruin rom New York was to the effect that while thousands of oC married women are aro working their children roamed the streets ets rome Fomo of them at nt work at que questionable employments employ employ- ments others other engaged In employments employ ments that did them no harm but hut contrary to Jaw law while tho the majority roamed the streets drifting about ready for Cor anything that turned up oh and In the opinion of oC the tho jurist there is plenty plent to 0 In urn up an any elt city This brings s us to the old oM problem l lem m of ot tho time woman soman al at A work vork rk and the neglect of or her family When hen the woman has to provide pro for her family tam fam ily By there thero is nothing to ho be said sail against such employment ment unless It is supported by sufficient money mony to to maintain the family without her but when en women whose husbands hus bus bands are aro making elo close chose to a a. month work out and ne neglect lect their families that Is Js another que question altogether B By what means is it to bo 10 settled It will take talo more I than argument to do 10 it It Jt will be seen from the above o that Salt Lake is not tho the only city that i is dl discussing cus ln tho the question of or married women working BRUTUS Hopes for Action From Prom Safety League I Editor The Thc Telegram hoi Kor 01 the tho past few Ow days dars Salt Lake Lako City has beet been free from froni motor ve 1 vehicle e hide hicle accidents and md Its citizens took longer r breaths t hs and wa watched t ht h tile closer cloer particularly pe pedestrians t who Ito are constantly doing all aU in their power to aid lId the traffic squad it in preventing accidents Then on Friday a Iafet safety league waa wat 11 perfected per per- r to prevent accidents This lone done a 1 truck runs down a man along In iii years who Imo was wa on un his way home homo Inflicting fatal atal injuries Early a a n. party o ot young people on their Wi way home from rom a dance at the Elks club given by hy the tho Wc Ve l high school cadets t were I crashed into h by a l hit an and run driver r and all aI six were more or Jc less g In Injured injured In- In one o of them theta suffering concussion concussion con con- of the tho brain while hile their car cm caras was as overturned T 1 Let et t us hope that tho the new JI league a ue whose purpose Is to take whatever er means lg arc aro d deemed advisable ad to curtail motor motol vehicle accidents In the state will wiil got get ct to work and that accidents be reduced to the minimum The fhe league should 11 have 1 0 tho thin coop cooperation rallon of oC all Such Sucha a a. safety movement mo la t certainly much needed OBSERVER Amateurish Police Tactics Cri Criticised Editor The Tele Telegram ram Salt T Lake ako Is Ig coming back to lieu her own a again aln when tine one reads of uC the hold holdups i tuis mih burglaries that were l' committed i Oil 1111 n Thur Thursday night all nil of ot A Jool- Jool looked ed n as aa if it the Iho crimes S were committed L by professionals rho Tho public safety department was wash h heard ald from when two of oC tho thio peace officers were WelO called to Second West Vest and ani Broadway at al nn nil early hour on Friday morning where hele it il was said thi th the car r which had carried tho time robbers rob rob- bers crR during the night was located I. I The Tue two Iwo officials who responded to lo tho thio call on cn reaching tho the point where the car cara was a cruising along tho thio sido Ido o of the street treet forced the oar car to th the curb anI and then lien found that the they haul hall cha chased fd two patrolmen ll who hall had been leen endeavoring to run down the perpetrator of or the time various holdups and burglaries during the night Wonderful force of oC sleuths connected with the public safet safety department BOB DOB B B. Finds Alien Labor Preferred at Mills Editor The Telegram I have c read readI I with h interest of oC the fight in the senate to get get tue tho duty uty on Gu sugar ar Why hy not put pul a a. dut duty on this foreign n la labor or I lust Just take a run out to the Arthur mill 11 and count tho the foreigners who I walk out of oC the foundry at 4 1 Then go so over pr to lo the time Magna mill untIl anti and see Sec how ho mall many there arc on the bull san gang There Thero are arc American inca Imn with families who were Jal laid oC oft off who would woul be bo mighty might glad to get set those i job jobs Th The company seems to think more inoue o of thc thic these than thc they do of or American ONE WHO V I 10 WAS VAS J JID ID Oll OFF Mine Accidents I Show Safety Need Editor Th The Tele Telegram ram J t mo mc commend you ou for COl the editorial edi dl which appeared in ill your our valuable valuable alu able ablo under paper Tuesday duy evening o the title of or Before Its It's Too L Late t It J Is most timely It Jt calls attention to tho tim f fact t that with all safety measures that mines adopt that ac accidents accidents ac- ac will occur But it also shows s that in addition to these safety devices lees the time slightest variation aria varia Ion tion b by time the men who work In the mine from prescribed rules and amid regulations governing th the Individual property crt may mean disaster to a alar lar large e number of ot men Perhaps the inspections of or the collieries in Utah are not frequent enough h. h perhaps there thero aro are too few Inspectors The several Ic disasters In inthe tho the coal mines mimics in the stale state which have o Occurred r recently should cause causo tho the men mn Jd 11 to exorcise exor exer- I cise the tho utmost ulmo t carefulness s In the pursuit of oC their work while o the j mine owners should see sec that t more mora frequent inspection should b be made ot of the properties If JC the state stale has not miot enough h inspectors a additional ones should be he employed e It Il i is not nol nota a no question of or economy but hut o ot of protecting protecting pro- pro the tho people who whit ha hazard their lives daily in the lie of or coal S R. |