Show I LAMP J DONT DON'T WANT HERMAN ST ST. PET PETERSBURG HG Fla March H 7 AP AP Humors Rumors that tug tho Brooklyn Brook Brook- lYn yn Dod Dodgers woul be willing to rade hado Babe Herman Berman for Lance hane and E Ed Brandt t are arc being down in the tho Braves Braves' camp Manager Bill Dill said yesterday yesterday yes yes- cs ho he would not nol take Herman even e at tho waiver wal a proposition tion Uon which ma may or may not bo taken literally HOLD MORRIS DOWN PI- PI PENSACOLA Fla lia March 17 AP I P Big Ed I-d Morris who hio like e most niost pitchers wants to win every ery traIl ball all g game mc in which ho he works 1 ii heln being restricted in activity by Manager Man Man- Ian Ian- ager aget Heinle HeInIe Wagner WaSn r of tho the Red Sox Ed wi hes to assume the tho pitching burden in jn tomorrows tomorrow's exhibition hut but his boss docs does not want to take tal-o an any chances of the big right lander bander hutting hurUn- his lila arm aria SENATORS MISS RUNS Miss March 17 1 AP Cheered by hy their thir second victory vIetor Informal in informal formal competition tho Washington NatIonals National to today ny were wondering wh why their 3 1 to 2 victory over the Louisville Colonels yesterday was no lar larger pr on the credit side tIde The Nationals mado macIo connections at the lint hat often orten enough nou h ten times In fact hut but the minor leaguers made mado their only two tilts hits foj fo fotas as many tallies BUCKY HARRIS PLEASED TAM T. TAMPA P I ria ha March ll 17 Al'- Al' AP AlTho Tho Detroit Tigers rigers journeyed to today to tu engage tho the In Indianapolis Indianapolis In- In J American a association I team in n au c exhibition x game al I All Although hough h Manager Hart Is was as well satisfied Sunday with hi his i chan charges charges' c II ability to collect home runs he lie had to admit l his defense appeared appealed wU wobbly I bly lr a the Cincinnati neils STREET PONDERS J Via Fla March Maceli 17 AP 1 as ns fur far ab exhibition exhibition tion tiun ball were concerned Manager Gabby Street had a chance to look 1001 over the results of or the tue SL SU Lou Louis Luuis Is Ca Cardinals Cardinals' rd hauls hauls' spring tea training in I ng season un Tho llio lIe indicated in bo he Wil wa well veli 11 with the showIng showing show show- Ing of DC most of or his charges especially espe t. dally daily with the lie well cil pitched pile three Innings ot or Sweet wt hon Who is Wild Bill huh when not going MJ tU good ag against l 1st the Phillies ye yesterday tr t I SEEKS H HEADY EADY PLAY NEW ORLEANS March 17 AP 1 i to tu in his hll Cleveland Indians ns with th the stuart smart baseball that makes the between a a. mere meie first division club duh and In a a. pennant contender Manager lann er Horr Pc Ie l kl ii pa U ugh h has lH been cn profiting I it g from a L revie review le of or the t twenty went games gaines which the the tribe lost loRt II by a lone julie run lun la tall ladt Jl year ar Half Hul of iii these games i could have t n leit tx ir i hal had the lie out outfielders h thrown n to tu the lie r bates bases or ur had the thu lJ bau u runners I known when the they could safely ad adVance ad- ad vance believes Peck and he has mapped l out instructions to overcome over over- come th these se faults REDS HIT BALL TAMPA T. Fla Via March 17 AP It AP-It It appeared torla today the tue Cincinnati Je Reds s have havo attained scoring punch which last year ear car ml might ht have o kept them out of or seventh place The rite walloped d Detroit pitchers for Cor twenty safeties here Ie yesterday to win their first exhibition encounter 15 35 to 0 h. h PIRATES SACK BATS GATS PASO SO Cal March Maceli 17 AP AP The The g Pirates sacked the bats batt that thai so o impotent in iii yesterdays yesterday's 4 1 licking given them II by the San Francisco Seals and prepared to break hrcak camp camj late hate to today nr for Cor San Francisco CUBS RESUME WORK A VJ CaltUna Island Cal Cat March 17 AP l 11 All even cn with the thc thelo lo Los Angeles club dub of oC the lie Pacific Coa Coast l IEa league at two victories each the tho National league champion Chica Chicago Chi Chi- ca cago eago o Cubs tO today 1 were back at their Island training station for or 1014 routine Inc drill Manager Joe McCarthy was WIS pleased please With the work of his team estel da ilay when the u were defeated 10 to tu 5 Z held to el eight bt hits hilts lJ by Moss Io s Malone Malono and flush Bush Tho The Cubs pounded out el eighteen hits hils GIANTS LOSE WORK SAN SN AlTO ANTONIO IU Tex x March 17 AP AP John John manager of or ortho tho Ito New York orl limits Giants I is perturbed about the thc As s h he lie watched the tho rain wash rash off an exhibition game with tho tIm Chicago I White Sox So ox yesterday he lie remarked that his te team cam m hail had lost more work b by rain thi tins this year al than ha n in all the previous ious five years spent here MACK LII LIKES ES CRAMER FORT MYERS Fla Fia March 17 A i P Connie P-Connle Connie Mock MacIc hasn't spoken pol n officially yet pt but ho lie indicated loda to today today to- to da day that tha t Roger Cram Cramer er 1 Idu Km kin X S J 1 r nUl may stick wilh Ii hI I II its j. j rite A r s 's sent Is him I to tu u last season for foi more C I |