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Show iir.ih1.. Tittm: iibiicir. It. O. Dun A Ou., for the week ending end-ing March 4, 1601, rcsjrt tho con. dlllou of laialneea aa ou the u hole ftatl. factory. The bright protpecU entertained enter-tained for good trojaa during tbt coming com-ing year, help materially to give confidence con-fidence to trader and inerchaul. During the week tome failure of local cons4auenre occurred, bit nothing to Indicate unsoundm In commerce. Trade la rjulct, but It la alway so at thl time. Collections In rome place are slow, and In other bad road nud liad weather aro causing dullness. Money la easy, except at Halt lake and Jacksonville, where a tlghtnra ttill prevails. "II ha liren a week of unhealthy peo-ulatiun peo-ulatiun In aomo product, owing to dua- lisia viiuiin ui Njwvriui romiimniinna so forco prlrr on which tbiyian unload without hna. Wheal rose to f t.lo'f, on Monday, and at fl.ll'. I mill : ceuta hlghar than a week ago, aa'i In Non nrk having broil 73 mllllnn bushols, and avm, with aale of Si million bushel, haa risen 4 rent to 8't cent, while imIm at 6'J1 ceuta aro less than 1 ct nt higher I'ork prmluit advauca.'and itilfee and oil a kuiall fraction each, w Idle ouUouUaaUbxnlh lower. Th4geuert arorage of prh' reachil It highest shit thl ytir on Monday, and though now a fraction loor, I still l per rent aburo last yvk. Ilut manufactured product do not abate In the advance, except In fw caara. 11io threateueil trlkra III tho building tmd.w laauaeaoiiienneaalucsa, and tome atrlko In textile work rcailll on the whole un. favorably to omdoer, while aomo of the great coke produ-er liaie attempted toreeumo at a reduction of wages, tbo Thu Iron trade It firm, owing to the long coke strlki', which hat helped iailtallrlwoiider(ully. Wiol lamlllnj ttuadtly, :,(I.,U suiidt at lluttou, and tho very large consumption of Alls-trallau Alls-trallau It a turprUi; It .win due In jsirt to the bad voudltlon of many unleru llmvs, but In put to the fact that tho homeaupply 1 ncarlyexliauat-t-d. Thu boot aud shoo trade I very unwilled, At Chicago dry goodi, clothing, and above, aro dull, though kale exceed last yoar'a tor the amu week, and rereli I of wool oousldrbly Incrissc, while thero It Uecroatu In Duiir, and lird, aud a deirtuiiai of one-half In Urcstod Iwef. A numlierof new luauufaiturlugcon-mrna luauufaiturlugcon-mrna I reported from thu Houth. TheTriaiury ha put out $J,00v),cK) moru than It ha taken It for the week. The markotl, honeacr, biitlsfactory, nud tock aro looking up. An Important a lenient, which I for the present Ignored, la the rav-atigo 0 n new maximum rate law for Ntbraska, akin to that of Iowa, which Is expected to eilut earning In Hut Htate very eerlooaly. Ilut In general tho Wentern IcgUUIuresbavo filled to do moat of the harm apprehended when they bo. gun their arMlou thl year, 'there 1 a protect or a war, liuwever, among tho railroad thimtvln. rallum lor tho week 1 udlug Marih Hjtli, 1WI, wrro SJil in the Unltul Htutuauud 3 In Citnuda; for the tut, resndlng week lukt Jour 317 lu thu UnltodHlatuaandl.il In CanaU. |