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Show "jfiT .is hi 1 1. io nn no.M.sr." "Tit AVir.U erymean In lu corn-mentaonlbo corn-mentaonlbo elrcet epHnkllnir, and telle of tbe roini.Uliiu of lat atiniiuer. Ill Jj.t ncll w lie bonc-t onre In a while, there wm mure tprlliklln-; done hut eumnier tbn wa oter done In fuurur f.ve euniiiier lieliirc. Tlio aorvlcn wti Inflnliely l-oilrr and mora whlelr n. tenil'dlb-n eerlrin and II l only Mr Io ut, t, that wlih llm wf prlnkle.1 Mrwi- Km re wnlea ilK-iw f.aet funeniK lee Iiii-Iiim f Iheilon-t)r Iheilon-t)r athl un l-rUker, and 1cm nrm In 1 tniU'e lion-e-i an I Hie pMipti In al Ameil an Hi are willing In eland a Mr eipen.to rieveoi ttio flllh of tio itnei rielng (11 Uuetand blowing inti tbe threa ef tbilr children and Inlo li.oir bouioa." The foregoing fa of nmnu- from the editorial column of the 7h4uic, "It lijuitaawelllo In honot't once In a while." Kiarlly, ilut whenever wa the 7Vioi'nff Mneit In regard to any thing that rrlatia to the I'isruiT Ncwaor to any matter la controversy, llereiiwhat weeald that ha evoked the abve-iUotcd coinmentt 'tt-t cummer th re wa n gooil deal of dlMatlifactlon In regard to the Ini. Irted etrect eprlnkllnir aervlct. The rjutvl of iimteet were that the prlnk llngdlitilciwat too larg", II10 price (1 ceuta a fixit frontage) 100 high, and the rrvlro iiiadute. NiimlK-r or Ikjoi.I., awertetl tliat they rrcelvoil their notict dlrrcllug iymeul of Haw--meht, whllalhefprlnkler, up to that lime, had been coiiii leuou liy It ah-ence." I there abatement in that whMi , not aUoluMy currrrlf What la there "mtan" In the whoto paragraph? tl)M liot Ihe 2Vioum utter thwe coniplalnta day alter day In common with the dbguited rullic? Wero hot homo treel ttoodc-l with water till they were mUerablo mil I puddka, whlln oontlguou and rallel atroeta where Dlled with Minding duet; Were not Ihowatrr-rpUllugrart liotaprlnklen, driven over Hie ttirak of mud made by Immediately preceding druncheu and tlrli aluiigilde lu Ihe ame tlreet left dry and duily? Did not owner of vehicle complain continually of Ibeiuul made by till alupljaudlu-comjtent alupljaudlu-comjtent aervlcr, and did not taxpayer tax-payer declaim agalunt the lmrlatlon while Utter work could Ui had from local euurcee? Jf lhtrlinjllilog "mean'Mn alluding allud-ing to Ihe illMatUfactlon of latt auinmer, wjlt"uiean"forthe7ioi"ie Io give voire to It at the time? And how much "honealy" due that r exhibit lu (latin, today, that the errlco waa Udiiltely better than ever before, allir II own rerleclloua upon that acrvlco lat furameif "It la Jutt a well to Le honnt once In n while," hut no oue lioulj export that the meannt pier nn earth will ever re-jant re-jant and be honeid, even for a day. |