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Show mnDim or TituTV oitiiiu- Tji:qutlonof U10 ability or Ihe nrpubllooftho United Htatca to carry out It treaty obligation with foreign wir I 0110 of lnrtiniblo lm-laiftatirr. lm-laiftatirr. Tho uiagnlludo of tlio 111b-Jectha 111b-Jectha been maje clear by tho unfortunate un-fortunate traznlr at New Orlian. In a general tiealy lietweeii foreign government, protection of thorlllieii of each o( the oontractlug nation within with-in the domain of tho other 1 nrcc. airily one of the inoit common condition con-dition of the couiact, Henco n remedy for Hi pruwiit dlleminn doe not and cannot He lu the fulum omla. ilon of uch a ttlpulitlon. Neither ran the tltuatlou be lm-provetl lm-provetl by a modification of audi a needful clauie. The glorlou Inntltutiontoflhl llepubllo admit of no illitluctlos belwren Ihe ple of nny nation o fr n n Ule to Ihu rotectlon nlTordeil by It law, and no Intimation that any uch ndlflerrnce ex lit ahoulj ap'ar In any of It International Iran, action. Incomlderlng a nice iuitloti like the oue In lut, It 1 worae than folly to Indulge lu blu.lir, boulfulnrs and alleged Irony, Tmo tateiuanilni augguett the neceailty for nn adjuit-liienl adjuit-liienl of Hie (uhjrrt 011 Ihe bail of right. Thenltuitlonon bebeat lllu. Irated by a pruceia of revertal. Hj-iioaelhatcltlicnaor Hj-iioaelhatcltlicnaor the Unlti-d HtaH hould be rlalu III aomeotlier nation with whom th llepubllo had treaty relatloua, In the time manner aa were the Hlcillaua In New Orlcaua, and a tlmllir auiwer lu given to demand for reJriw a that tendered by tide ooun try to Italy, what woull be Ihe remit? Do'iMIi'M thl nation would ll.u lu It wrath, knd the inpuWr demand would bo that the Secretary of Htato thoutd domielhlngdewrat, In retallutlon. rim fact that It might boa country bono liulltulloui ooul I not a Jmlt of a dlirerent reply woull hardly tufllce to 'atltfythlamtlon. Ouranaaer would In all IlkellhooJ lie Hut theolieiid-lug theolieiid-lug govtrnmoiit oujht not to enter lulu Inlernatlo ul ohll jatlou It haa not thoalillltytiifjllll. Yet ltwuproirr enough lhat our lleiubllohould enter Intu Ireallt Involving n mutual olillgiitlnn of protection to rlllieii of the i-ontrnctlng couutrlee, undar the I lm that the obligation of Ihe m viral htite to u aln the l'edorol govern mi'iit lu malutalnliig It dignity ami fulfilling II liilcrinlloiml contract woiil I lm ttrlctly huuorod. It I ovl lent lhat Secretary lllaliin tvild not give auy Mlrougor aa-urince regarding thu iluniaud of HtU Italian govtrnmeut than hu did. Tho action of tho Htatu aud miihlcljAl authoritlfof I.oulahiiu and New Or. Iran inu-l bo awaited. A th imiiUh. iiieut or other Uo of the acturi lu lhi tragvly lhat uamed the trouble wo a matter for purely local treit. uicut, how luuld turco5tary anawer tirf thao he did? Ilut the of-fraleJ of-fraleJ pwrnmnt could have no re-Uu re-Uu nawllh a local Jlrleloii of the lie. -uno. anJ It wa exasperated allhei inatinrr In 'llcl1 -n" H WM trJlr,y(loreruorNlchol. The ox-lel.laiuof ox-lel.laiuof tlio latter regarding Ihe trJeJyprjUbly Iwl Italy l blicve UJllbIIIltlopro-iectof Juallco be-Inj be-Inj accorlcl to It auhjecta In I.ouja--la. Tkb poe'lbly led that country lofiSIUIlea lallenco than It other-ar,,irwlJ. other-ar,,irwlJ. Hut oven thatnurceof trrTulloo alForda no Juallflratlon to Ittf y br acting with the precipitation ftlinhowo In thl unfortunate af- IplaUno lime lor eiuier naiiou mj fllig it fiance In the faco of Ihe olirr. Thl country I brought face to 'L elth thl qii-"tloii, lluw hall the gjieral givrrnment le placed lu a 1-iuWlofolHHu treaty ubllgttlon, loilrjeo lanlly.unJerfertaln condition, orthrevcrIHIleof the Union, con-ajind con-ajind tlngly? Th ml.Jrct U-coine all th more Important !caino of the conifllollon that are liable to tnaue tf 'tl. (uutLiu remain unaolved. In lb re day of allayed judicial cur-ru,loo cur-ru,loo aud coneUent wpular jnactilnTs which are beavmlng o frau(Dt a l take on the ap-4arareof ap-4arareof ail lnlllutlon, thecelle of N,wUrI"ari aro liable to lie repeated ailt Involve the vltltcna of other ceiotrlrt with whom the ltribllo la uilted by treaty. Willi the repetition tairttlroeaglln the Uno-cent City, Una la likely to coima a complication wim win other power, alrallar to that eilftlogbetwcvtiua and Italy. It I aalaatlhgentuof ttati-tmanahlp to allow a con lltlou to cxlat that ita n binleocy to create International blller-n,vrulfltdoi blller-n,vrulfltdoi not letl to oin hUUtln. AnndJItlonal rcn for a iruJentlal coiiree I tho fact tiit (unie of the monarchic ol tie oil worll look liJii tho Auixlcan llepubllo M n menaiv to lielrowo exbteuce. Thry uudentaud that Ihe tendency of all (a-ople I to-VarJpopuIarltatlou to-VarJpopuIarltatlou of government. It oinnit be denied that our freotyslriu of nil lit been the gland ollectle-ton ollectle-ton which hu rauted the aplrlt cf human liberty to l dliruaed through-oiit through-oiit th natlou. riclf-prnrrvatlou oau-r Ihe old illete iioUtlcal and erx lalhtrurturc to drilru thedemolN tlonofthl llepuhllr. 1'roni Hie way In which thing are drifting It looka aa tlioujh tbe wlavat ttatoamanahlpoli the ptrlof tfie ruler and atdlgulfleitand nrudenldetKirtment 011 Uie uart of the pvfl.of America will I n-iijred to a old glvlug au occotlon, at tome ftiture tlnie.for a conceited attack upon Dili rountry. J The great barrier In the way of a 11 uiedy fer the unpleataal petition In t blch the Federal government It liable In be placed lu connection with the (juration of II ability to fulfil Inter-gallooal Inter-gallooal treaty obligation! I that the CurewouHmvoMarlly be of a central. lilni character, which Involve a new uSngrrtbe coucentratlon of an exott of iwer In the chief ruler of the country. II will bo clabnrU that nny dltulnullon of the lew er of tbo tevcral Stale to reaulate their own afGalrali anluvaalou of Anurirati Inatitution. A lroal diinmlou of tho tul Jert may, however, evolve tome nolutlou of tho rpieillon that will fully cover all rroaon-aUetlJrctlona. |