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Show Alaakau lni(illM. MoM.ahmlM an J lnrrlra rowInKirit profuflon aloutf Vakutat lay ehura. ami orer lire moruluo a regular trail waa furtum) a tho largo brown leerrm, ami rwroaaiii In ivnrth of frioil or berriea. TbaglwUl Hrvmni dhltUl Into a thnuuml Lrantt r anl formr.1 an blmt ilelta, ileno lllng lli ft nil Khdal ilabrta, Ourrour iwk n mer n mountain apur and Arrtw an Interior Ixulu alout !tVt frrt Iu heUhC. fllladwlth nun.rrou lake ami awarming with nAv)ultora Indwd there wero auch myriad of tho Utter that ImaMiiatloii augneatnl tlmt each flak of enow hinl ronrenM within It a (ivrui, and thu inoMiulto hn I Keuerateil Here It 1 that aounttlnii' bua browu hr-ara, driven to fury and drwmtlou by tbe tormenting little bcata, fltially tt-ar tUirlleabuuddioln auony M IT. Kirr la Strlbuer a, |