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Show irAMAX IIHItinATlOV l.1rKCAS lll. I lalirr Akawlnx Ihe t unltlliulloii. ol Various lanalrlr. Nkw YoitK, April 2. Superintendent Superintend-ent or Immigration Weber aaya Immigration Immi-gration front Italy la rapidly Increai-Ing.' Increai-Ing.' Ill tact It la leading All other countrle. The figure for March are: Italy, 7f00; Oermany, 707; Great lliilaln nnd Ireland, 4.1MI; Hungary, XM; Auttrla, nut; Ituaala, HIS; total, irl.n.l'j. tfliJ7 Italian laudoti at the barge otllco today. TIIKLAIIUU I.A V VlOnATIUI. CltlCAuu, April 2. A. J, latter, government Allen lalair lutjiector, Ii lu the city. Hataya tlio Allen contract labor law haa been violated In ruauy Instance of lata and he I Killing together to-gether the neceaoary Proof tu put tho law In force against tho violators. Ha declined to give any names. Ixnter, It li lald.wlll toon bu called unn to make exhaustive restutrchea ntuong the Hal-Ian Hal-Ian coloulea of tho Houtli and report upcutheuumbcrof Italian not clll-rrua clll-rrua who are woiklng here under cou trait. |