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Show Mrs. Alice Freeman Palmer the lecturer saj a that there are today 40,000 K'rli lu American collets. What crip of Hprlng elry and Fall romancw this fact proiiilMi, but It Is to lie feareil It ftugurs sadly fur tho cookery of the future, and thatdyspesla will still remain re-main it clllun of our great ilcpubllc, The threo largest manufacturing plants lu Illlnolihavoar.l luto the I nnii of Beyndlmlo or tniit. They nro the Deere A Co. corn planter corn. liny nf Mollnc, III. Cltal stock $l,M0,oi)l; the Mollnei Plow company Jodii.imi, with n surplus of J7H",wi, and tho Deere A Mausurcomny bar viau-i5lioj,u(K). The plan latuunlfo tho three plains, rccipllallts them and I I He thu securities on the market. Just ai has litoli ilonu In the case nf the big i ruwcrln ami other American enter prltra that have recently escd Into the hands of syudliati. The Ihreu r-ropertles will la- conductcl undi r bao name,wlilch as et has bnt la en mado labile, and Ills ,robable that tho cupl tat stock will be grrally Increased over thecomblnod capital stock res It Is ut I resent. It Is saliT lliat Chailes 11. Decro will likely bo mado prceldoat of the new concern, although this has not been definitely aettled, Tho Canadian parliament la about to consider a syitem of subsidising At lantloanl Paclflo steamers In order to promote trade. The iiroused arrangements arrange-ments lueludonti AllAiillo service, to loiub.IJI.cl to tlm extent of o.OOO.iW" r annum for n weekly service for leu Xeats;n projected fortnightly servlco to Aiiflrallaanj New .ealand from a llrltlali Columbia port, wlthasuUldy oftJo.OtM, In addition to what may In ollercd In the other rolonlis;amoiithly service to China and Japan, for which tbU,0iid per ftuuum liaa l-Mfl iromlard by Canada and J.'il.Wi by Ureal llrlUln. Hhould tho Imrlal I'arlla ment prefer to raise. Its grant lo $175,. oo In order tu provide a fortnightly servii, Canada's contribution will l Increased to la,iii), Tlio .trade return re-turn of tho Dominion for the first nlue mouths of tlm current fiscal yi ar show that tho Import decreased f TS,0 1 1, and Ihocuelouis revenue $112,011 com pari-d wltli the samo months lat year. I he exjiorts for tho samo rlodiuow an Iiicrcaso of fji5,6:7. Tho sceiio of tho lato Jack the Ttlprer ctlmo In Now York city Is thu most vile and polluted on c arth. No crime, however foul, would lie In need of darter selllug. The whole lM-llly Is suggestlroof crime, and fairly bristles Willi vlco III Itt most hideous view. Within a minute' walk of the Last Hirer hotil are scores nf dlvts, given up to deeds and acenes so foul that their descrli Hon would bo Impossible, an I even If narrated tho narrative would be regarded as Incredible. In the aery block where Hie murder wai committed aro dlvca where every law of tlud aud man are broken. On Water ilreet and adjacent streets of like chancier oiHicaurclways dud the moat wretched ami degraded epe elmens of humanity. Under Ilia name of boording-houiua for seamen score of dlsreaiUblo resorts abound In tho neighborhood. In these places women whom It la almoat a xcrllege to call by the name of woman Abound aud lay lu wait for sailors who arrlvo In port, anl for countrymen and all unwary stranger whose sense of acutenesa in blunted by liquor. |