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Show I-EIWONAL LIBERTY. An .lildrcM by A1111.1 lllrklnaon Afttr llcr Kacapo l'rom tho pnesiocNT HAnnisoN ntctivto DAD NEWS. TIici Walla IValla I.jnrhcrslo IwProae- culedl Moro Murders (Viileiiipliled by llio Mob. It- Telezrstli 10 tss Nxwal AA niriti.xmrc Sh. nalie Her .'Hello A,pearanre Aaeln. Ni:v Yornt. April 2d. At tho close of llio t.f,iriuauce at the Ilroadnay Theetre lonlglit,Autia Dlckliinnmaiie her Hist publli) uprwarancn tlncn her Irllveraura from llio luaaue asylum. Thoaiidleuco wu not large, but welcomed wel-comed thoKlfled woman wllh applause. Htiuoued her acdretsujajii "Personal idbeity" with n violent attack Uiu Ihu Itepubllcan mrly, dwelt at great length on what ahu termed the private character of Mr. Wantnwker aud I'Luktou, altrlbullng her Imprisonment Imprison-ment at Danville pi a conplrucyof Clarkson, Colonel Dudley and Henstor ijuty, Her personal lllualuua were In many Inalance repugnant to deceiicy, and tho I idle who occupied theoretics-Ira theoretics-Ira chairs arose with their eacort and left the thettro. Tho countenance of tho oudleuco Indicated pity aud regret nathey llsteiKiltoher rambbi about a visit to Mr. Harrison at Indlana-iolli. Hhe rroiuenlly ptinctuatnl her utter ance with the qurltlou, "Well, do you llilnk 1 am Insane?" Hhe avowed that aha was pronil-ed fV' ta every li alio mado lu Ibsf and t-Vni for inch It her candidate waf successful. After bltturly acoriug the various iarly leader she referred to Uenrral ilutler. Theee are wimo bf her words: "The Kipere have aald that there has Iweu a couaplracy between us. Yea, Mr. Ilutler !naa written mo letters, and they werii addressed to I.lizle. Jle knew what lie was doing, but will anawerror It all in u court o! law. 1 have had unnumbered sorrows and do not place a vail over any ol tliein." Blinking ef her tlirntrlcll rxrl once, the declaretl vtliinneiilly that tha press ol the country h ad magulllvd her failure. Hhe never It t money by the venture. Her Incuizte, the aald. had lotu beeu $10,000 aunuully, and the had loit JIOojssj in lHiudsiiculn-Hon. lHiudsiiculn-Hon. Hliu gliefully do clued that the defeat of Cleveland waa due to tbe lact that the had lieen In the ranks afitiitt hlni. The siieakcr rambled agulu toward llrlllsli politic. Hpokoof alining with lMrhcll aud thinking hint A "little tin god on wheels. Hhu Lauded the Democrats Demo-crats inty and resorted ngnlii to such ttsouallttca that more of the. audience lill. When It waa all ovel' many of thfsierrlciidswhu remained with growing grow-ing tadnen until the end slowly tiled out ot the play-house with worda or oommlaseratlon nnd face which ev. deiicul the fact that a eorrowlui con elusion had liceu reached. The na Itsperl en Imteblealne. WAaniNii-ru.-e, April 20. Huperlr--tondent Porter of Ihu ceusj bureau, ha written n letter toH. .M..MoI-lllii of the Topeka .litruoufe, replyLng to lilacrltlclsmi of the ceusus report on liideblodneiw. Porter makiis It clear thai Ihu census bureau, by tho tenia of the law is restricted to Inquiries aa to the Indebtedness on ",arms and home." Ho explalna the fact that the bureau la not Including all the real estate mortgage ludebtedueas. but con-flue con-flue lla Investigations to the reatrlo-tlonaof reatrlo-tlonaof Ihe law. |